Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

July Overview is here. After I checked on my overview aka Summary of the Month (link) and scrolled; the feeling of tidiness of my blog is so satisfying. Don't you think so? I wonder how you think of it?

July Overview -
Have you read all?
2nd Jul 2018 -
Issues with Myself
3rd Jul 2018 -
4th Update of VFT
7th Jul 2018 -
New Haircut
8th Jul 2018 -
Sunday Workout
9th Jul 2018 -
Kallang Basin Swimming
10th Jul 2018 -
Quarries in Singapore
11th Jul 2018 -
Trisuit Collection #4
15th Jul 2018 -
Tired of it
17th Jul 2018 -
5th Update of VFT
21st Jul 2018 -
Mushrooms Hunting
24th Jul 2018 -
One project down
25th Jul 2018 -
Happy Birthday Jeff
25th Jul 2018 -
The Durian Story
27th Jul 2018 -
Happy Birthday 2018
28th Jul 2018 -
Short trip to Ipoh again
28th Jul 2018 -
Kafe Home Recipe
31st Jul 2018 -
6th Update of VFT
July Randomness
Check it out

Personal - Random July

Hi Blog,

July has come. It has being awhile since I started my random post (keep all short posts into one post) on Nov 2016, to a official standard format for randomness post (you can check out all my previous randomness posts) up till today dated.

I have many short moments than long session, so randomness post is useful to keep a record of my moment. Do you think I should keep my randomness post or just make all my short posts as a new post for the day?

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 6th Update

Hi Blog,

This is a short update about VFT recently... as the changes are so fast... I have to update the changes since Update #5 (link).

The sky explained what you will be expecting from the post... It got so dark...

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Personal - Short Trip to Ipoh again

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post about how I spent my weekend and gained weight (How I wish my wallet can weight heavy). As promised since April (post), we are back to Ipoh again. We made FULL use of the day and night to catch up with one another. This time, my mentor, ZQ, will be following us because it has being nearly 15+ years apart from his last visit to Ipoh.

During the trip, I broke my spectacles... Finally it gave way... Am I going to be blinded for the whole trip?

Food - Kafe Home Recipe 一家人

Hi Blog,

During this weekend, we were visiting our Ipoh friends. They helped to scout our lunching place and they recommended Kafe Home Recipe 一家人 (google map link or link). I love the name of the this vegetarian restaurant, do you? (一家人 translate "a family")

Interesting logo

Friday, July 27, 2018

Blog - Happy Birthday 2018

Hi Jeff,

This is blog, how are you being doing recently? :) Ever since I wrote a letter to you (in 2012), I decide to write a letter to you again.

Oh! Hi Blog. It is great to 'read' you again. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Place - The Durian Story

Hi Blog,

During my birthdate, EK and JH wanted to celebrate at 'The Durian Story' stall (link). T claimed it is one of the famous durian stall in the town, as they also have great reviews on their FB page.

I must say this is a new business model for this generations.

Personal - Happy Birthday Jeff

Hi Blog,

The time has stopped at this point 10:10 - meaning 100% that I have passed the wizard test!
Today is my BIRTHDAY! Today is quite happening for me. :) I got nearly 65+ birthday wishes on FB and many whatsapp messages too. Honestly, this year is kind of special to me which I see the growth in me, rather than feeling upset on my bday. (I learn to appreciate every moment of life, than complaining or feel miserable.) Let me share with you the joy and honor!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Personal - One Video Project Down

Hi Blog,

Finally, today got to showcase the video production to the school and I am glad the pupils love it. :) I simply soaked myself within their laughter and applause. Throughout the whole video production, I had learned a lot.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hiking - Mushrooms Hunt

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Saturday and it will be a short post. Since I am available in the morning, and can't get anyone to go for a hike; but Mr K decided to join my hike and wanted to affirm his knee condition. For me, I treat this hike, a mushroom hunting but ended up, I found something else.

Get ready for a good hike

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 5th Update

Hi Blog,

It was an emergency update for my VFT... Something wrong happened to them. To be honest... I have this mixed feeling towards this issue...

Sigh... Feeling lousy and useless...

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Personal - Tired of it

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. Today is Sunday, usually I will spend it on family time or with Heaven or Mother Nature. So what's up today? I must say that this Sunday is quite well-spent!

Morning time to attend my Cousin's baby shower. Here is a picture with my cousins. I remembered two years ago, we came to this place before for their condo-warming. (link) I used to feel lousy at myself for unable to live up to the 'standard' Singaporean, but today I am tired of comparing. I just accept my life and smile. Tired of feeling loser and I will make the best of the situation!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #4

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post and it is about my trisuit theme #4 collection! I wonder which theme you like the most so far? If you have missed out my theme collection, you can search "theme" (Right hand search) or check my previous theme (link).

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trip - Quarries in Singapore

Hi Blog,

In this post, I am going to share and summarise one of the unique places in Singapore - the Quarry. So far I did some research and tried my best to visit those places myself. If you are an explorer like me, and enjoy some natural scenery (even though it was man-made), you might visit those places.

Just a brief history of the Quarries in Singapore.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Swimming - Kallang Basin Swimming Pool at Geylang Bahru

Hi Blog,

Since there is some small spare time between my after-work and meeting time, I decided to visit Kallang Basin Swimming Complex. I have not set foot in this part of Singapore at all.

It seems like it is located near Geylang Bahru MRT station.
Let me share my first experience there.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hiking - Sunday Workout

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I supposed to go for workout but I just got too tired and struck on my bed for the whole day; so today I will not allow this to happen despite I have many errands to clear.

Today morning weather isn't colourful but has two faces :)
At least today I had a great lonely hike.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Personal - New Haircut

Hi Blog,

It will be a short personal post. Today I decided to make some changes with my hairs so I decided to give my friend, Rex, a chance to handle my plain hairstyle.

I came to Nex 4th floor and I forgot the name of that salon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 4th Update

Hi Blog,

Happy VFT
It is my 4th update of my VFT SG survivor clones; you may check the previous post here (3rd update) Overall, I have a fond pleasure of growing them and took a picture of them growing beautifully on 2nd June 2018. But... my fear came back... Something isn't right....

Monday, July 2, 2018

Personal - Issues with Myself

Good Morning Blog,

Early morning but the weather already started to show two faces.
Today is Youth Day which means... SCHOOL HOLIDAY!!! But I still have to work in school so no difference besides I can cycle. :) But this post isn't about my cycling experience, it is about my personal issue... Warning: long-winded personal post which might not interest you.