Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Personal - Random July

Hi Blog,

July has come. It has being awhile since I started my random post (keep all short posts into one post) on Nov 2016, to a official standard format for randomness post (you can check out all my previous randomness posts) up till today dated.

I have many short moments than long session, so randomness post is useful to keep a record of my moment. Do you think I should keep my randomness post or just make all my short posts as a new post for the day?

3rd Jul 2018 - After some reflection moment, despite I maybe still struck somewhere in my negativeness but the Halo tells me not to give up. Thank you, Heaven.
4th Jul 2018 - I was surprised to see that everyone wore blue attire unplanned. I enjoy such bonding together.
5th Jul 2018 - Today when I am back home, I got to see my Gecko-friend still around licking for free food. Hope it will continue to live on. :)
6th Jul 2018 - Today something happened! My quiet tumblr suddenly got some attention and received many followers! Hope you guys are kind and don't judge me.
10th Jul 2018 - Thanks, Heaven for displaying such an awesome rainbow. After I removed my tumblr account because of some reasons... I guess I shall stick to blog for now, as I know that you won't judge me.
10th Jul 2018 - Despite I still felt rather sore over the tumblr event... I looked back ever since last Friday until today, I had sweet experience and appreciation from tumblr followers, but my life was not just sun but also has clouds too. Oh well... Life still moves on. I will still continue to go for my slow jog and wear my suit, only keep it to my diary.
11th Jul 2018 - Peace and quiet... Don't know why... I feel that someone is talking bad behind my back... oh well, I can't satisfy everyone.
13th Jul 2018 - Long time I have not worn my wrongful-purchase trisuit. I decided to wear it out with a shirt over and the feeling was cool and relax. Wearing this, is purely just want to feel relax and free.
14th Jul 2018 - Today is my Birthday (Lunar cycle). I am 40th years old already. Time really flies... Fly too fast. Thank you, mother for cooking this for us. :) Thank you.
17th Jul 2018 - After awhile trying out my new haircut, now I got used to my new short hair. Time to change my banner of my blog sooner.
19th Jul 2018 - One of the late post because I just received this picture from Mdm O. It is great to have some people to clip with.
20th Jul 2018 - Tiring week this round, Today night is my only night off when many nights I had to attend meetings and classes. Besides... My tummy isn't that well... bloated... I guess my output is really got issue....
22nd Jul 2018 - Spending time tasting XY-made pizza and I was surprised by the big Carrot cake for celebrating my birthday! Thank you so much! Two years ago, they surprised me with a carrot cake too :3 (link) Yummy!

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