Saturday, July 28, 2018

Food - Kafe Home Recipe 一家人

Hi Blog,

During this weekend, we were visiting our Ipoh friends. They helped to scout our lunching place and they recommended Kafe Home Recipe 一家人 (google map link or link). I love the name of the this vegetarian restaurant, do you? (一家人 translate "a family")

Interesting logo
It is a vegetarian stall and they only close on friday
They have some special dishes for the day. If they can have it in English will help their business in some way
Let's go in!
Normal decent restaurant layout in Ipoh with many vegetarian posters decorated on the wall
Air conditional traditional interior layout makes you feel at home. :)
Let's check out their menu and I was impressed to see they have a wide variety of food selection!
Thanks goodness they have English name for each dish and by reading the dish-name, you will have a rough idea what the dish is. :)
At the back of their menu, (lousy translation) Mother says, "It is a fate to know one another." Father adds on "It is a blessing to eat together." Kid joins the conversation, "Be thankful of everything because we are A FAMILY."
We were spoiled by choices so we decided to order a few to try out

Oh dear I can't find the name of this dish - all I can remember is, it is a Laksa like Penang Laksa. On their menu, they mentioned their noodle is hand-made without any artificial or chemical ingredients.
Hmmm I am kind of forgot the name of this dish
Kimchi Noodles - interesting :D
Green Fragrant Bean Curd Rice - Decent :)
Pan Fried Stinky Bean Curd - OMG! STINKY BEAN CURD?! Dream fulfilled!
Deep Fried Salted Mushroom - OMG! It tastes HEAVENLY!
Chessy Pumpkin Wedges - MUST HAVE!
It is a great place for a good lunch/dinner but my stomach wasn't at good condition so I can only eat that much. Next time, I will order something different next time. :) Thank you Home Recipe for such a great cook.


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