Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #4

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post and it is about my trisuit theme #4 collection! I wonder which theme you like the most so far? If you have missed out my theme collection, you can search "theme" (Right hand search) or check my previous theme (link).

So which one you like?

I guess... I should not have a workout corner to overseeing my activities, my blogger will do the job for me. Lesser audiences and readers will keep the damage to the lowest... All I want is to enjoy and love the things I like, despite some things are highly treasured or can only promoted by certain group of people... Like superhero, must it be someone who has the physique, features, sexiness to be fitted as a superhero? Like the kid (firefist) in Deathpool 2, got mocked for being fat to be fitted as a hero. Hahaha funny thing is, it reminds my 2018 resolution (link) that I want to be unsung hero.


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