Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hiking - Mushrooms Hunt

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Saturday and it will be a short post. Since I am available in the morning, and can't get anyone to go for a hike; but Mr K decided to join my hike and wanted to affirm his knee condition. For me, I treat this hike, a mushroom hunting but ended up, I found something else.

Get ready for a good hike
While hiking, guess what I find? Hahaha, Mini Durian!
Oh My! Something that captured my attention! This this this... WHAT is this????
I thought it is a snake-like slug but I am wrong. It is a type of flatworm - Bipalium, or Hammerhead Worm. (link)

Oh my... What a painful feeding... Just like Alien movie below.
From one of the creatures in Prometheus - Hammerpede
The feeling of hunting mushrooms is such an exciting experience and it is a great way to challenge your friends during the hike, but Mr K has no interest in this. Hahaha So only I was playing the game myself.
Besides mushrooms, I 'hunted' (noticed) two ladies following us, I worried they might be lost along this trip so I asked them. As expected, they just wanted to try a new route so they were followed us, but funny thing, because we were walking so fast, they had to run to catch up our speed before they got lost in the wood. So we explained our destination and welcomed them to join our hike.

They are from Mainlands and worked for 10 years in local. They don't mind to hike with us in future. :) Great to find two ladies to join our hike. What a 'hunt'! Don't worry, Blog. I have no 'objective' on them, I only want to help them out and make new friends if possible. :) Honestly, I glad that I asked than feeling inferior/heck care - I won't want anyone lost their ways in the wood. But they can't hike too long with us and ended up Bukit Timah.
Long time I have not seen my friend :D Helping her to make up
Isn't she pretty? :D
Mr K just hated to take my picture for me... he just spammed my phone camera. Oh well. LOL At least he tried.
Honestly... I worried how the ladies feel about me... what are they thinking... Hmm okay! I should stop thinking so much and enjoy the moment because KS saw me in my trisuit, and he thinks it is awesome. :)  Thank you for your support!



  1. amazing pics at Bukit Timah Nature reserve as well as the quarries ... i hope to go visit these places again as i feel very inspired after reading your very interesting and detailed report about the places you visit

    1. :D Thanks for your kind words. please keep me update of what you have found during your visit. :) I will be happy to read/hear it from you


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