Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hiking - Sunday Workout

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I supposed to go for workout but I just got too tired and struck on my bed for the whole day; so today I will not allow this to happen despite I have many errands to clear.

Today morning weather isn't colourful but has two faces :)
At least today I had a great lonely hike.

Today I hiked with my new 'hair-tail'.
Have a breakfast session with her, pardon that she was ready for a picture.
After sending her to her workplace, I walked around at Nex and heading to...

Where is everyone? I guess I am just too early.
Queuing for movie tickets (Safra Member Sunday One-to-One) today. This is my first time queuing for tickets and the queue meant every Singaporean won't mind to queuing for this great offer.
After purchased, I headed down to MacRitchie for a short relax hike. Thanks, Heaven for great weather.
Nice place to take pictures :)
I wish I can suntan until such sunny day
Loads of imagination here
My broken camera and I will walk this hike.
OH! Sorry I forgot to introduce a new friend... Mr Sun to join the hike. :)
Have you ever visited this Church before? This is one of the old church around serving people. :)
Oh man... Sunday.... CROWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful sky, Beautiful place, Nice timing but Plain-Plain me XD
How I wish my new tripod can arrive sooner... This is the product from Indiegogo.
I wonder if there a better way to view a Panorama image on the blog.
This place... made me recall of someone... You can click here to read why
Life still moves on... Thank you, CC for sweet memory
Besides waiting for my new tripod, I am also waiting for a new camera (here) to replace my broken camera but most of the pictures look okay, right?
I have to credit the weather for modeling for this shot.
A place which was popular in the past and now there is no one using this facility at all...
Time for my friend, Mr Wood.
Taking a picture with my friend, Mr Wood.
I guessed the muddy ground really caused inconvenient for joggers and trekkers. I just don't like muddy shoes back home...
Oh yeah! Not to forget to introduce my photographer, make a guess who is it?
My awesome 'photographer' surely know how to take pictures for me. :)
As compare to my photography skill, I can't rise the eye-level :(
Peaceful lake. :)
Miss Cloud helps to reduce Mr Sun intensity after I left my friend, Mr Wood behind.
Perfect weather for having a relaxing picnic :)
Hi Mr Sun and Miss Cloud :D hahaha Miss Cloud, you are cute by making a V-sign.
Shall we continue the hike?
Open arms to embrace the nature! Oh! Mr Sun is catching up the hike.
Mr Sun wants to help out the lighting for me, while the mystery photographer is trying to adjust it's camera setting and ended up, it gave up completely.
After nearly two hours, I have almost completed the hike and feeling awesome.
Oh yeah, something needs to be mentioned; did you see the staircase?
Trying to complete one of the themes but failed...
NEA starts to make solid staircases so that visitors can walk safely especially elders.
Good hike together with Mr Sun, Mr Wood and Miss Cloud, thank you Mystery Photographer.
Oh! Where is my mystery photographer? It vanished instantly.
Today Hike, I snapped something random below.

Interesting tiny mushrooms which grow from the ground.
Lucky I didn't place my hands on this fence.
Today hike, I bumped to this weird looking flower - it is spiral-like spear.
This flower is unique and attracts different audiences toward it.
I learned something today - In this world, there are many different flowers and each attracts different insects and some only allow certain species to spread its pollen. I should not only think the flower is for bees or butterflies only but open up for many other living animals. For me, despite single for so long, I learn my flower only for Miss Right, not Left or anyone else.

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