Saturday, July 28, 2018

Personal - Short Trip to Ipoh again

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post about how I spent my weekend and gained weight (How I wish my wallet can weight heavy). As promised since April (post), we are back to Ipoh again. We made FULL use of the day and night to catch up with one another. This time, my mentor, ZQ, will be following us because it has being nearly 15+ years apart from his last visit to Ipoh.

During the trip, I broke my spectacles... Finally it gave way... Am I going to be blinded for the whole trip?
After nearly 10 hours of bus ride, we just snored our way through. Then we got ourselves Grab to our favourite morning place and chit-chatted with SM's mother before early check-in.
We love Hollywood Hotel (post) a lot, and this was our second stay :)
After had  morning HTHT session with SM's mother, she drove us to nearby spectacle shop to get me a new spec frame and it is... SUPER CHEAP!!!!!!!!! Second person to meet up was HX and we had a feasting lunch... I regretted... because ended up, I have to carry my bloated tummy for the whole day and constipation for two days... Check out the food that we had for lunch here.

After HX, she rode us to visit SM's sister, SF and what do we have there? DURIAN!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Oh well... I just nom nom nom...
Breathe in for the picture during Dinner time... Oh my... Dinner time wasn't small...
Covered up my bloated tummy and only ate a few portions from the main dishes.
Thank you SM's family and HX for hosting the dinner and spent your time.
Night time, we still continued our HTHT session until 1230pm and continued to eat supper... because my mentor can't take anymore food...
So after a few hours of sleep, (I thought I can catch Blood Moon at Ipoh but it was covered by clouds!!! 😠) we woke up to catch the bus back to Singapore. From early morning and we reached SG around 1130pm... Nearly 12 hours of bus ride. I just slept my way through... Gained more weight and tired eyes... But at least, our Ipoh friends were happy that we visited them and gave them many words of encouragement and supports by listening to them. Hope heaven will smooth things for them and my problematic stomach.


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