Friday, July 27, 2018

Blog - Happy Birthday 2018

Hi Jeff,

This is blog, how are you being doing recently? :) Ever since I wrote a letter to you (in 2012), I decide to write a letter to you again.

Oh! Hi Blog. It is great to 'read' you again. :)
How was your birthday celebration? Have you recovered for feeling emo during your bday? :) I know what you have gone through and the attempts to be strong in every fall. I believe that you had recognized most of the trigger points - mostly because you compare yourself with others and with your own expectation.

Pat Jeff's shoulder, I know you did your best already; I can tell from all of your past posts - you are battling your weakness and flaws, and want to overcome it! That's what we call effort. :)

Thank you Blog...
To let you know something, Heaven is also trying His best to help you too. Have you noticed randomly pop-out videos, messages and friends recently? Because...

So you are growing from inside. :) You should have observed that and felt the un-explainable moment of joy, haven't you?

Let's review the spiritual random moments which Heaven planned.


Random Videos:
Heaven had sent you a few messages to encourage yourself. Do you still remember?

Ah I see. Let me search for it!

It seems like Youtube had taken the video.
Perhaps you may want to check it out elsewhere.

Jeff: "This is a full movie video which I watched out of randomness while scrolling through a list of random movies on youtube recommendation. Usually I don't have any good impression with the latest Journey to the West because some random storyline mixed with some love story or overwhelming CGI display fighting scenes which turn me off from it. And this one... began at episode 3, which added on my resistance to watch it, but I had this feeling that I needed to complete this. Thanks goodness, the storyline was straight forward, serious and focused! It taught and reminded me something valuable :) After watching it, it becomes my life turning point to focus on my life mission."
Jeff: "This one was also random after my closure of tumblr account. I learned that I need to recognize my own well-beings and continue to enforce my life pillars, not for others but for Heaven and myself. No one can FULLY understand or tell me what to do; it is me who is driving the life car myself."
Jeff: "This one was when I decided to stop feeling bad or miserable, and it just popped out randomly on youtube recommendation list. I will have to do some self revision and improve from there."
Jeff: "This one is the kind of life that I have to remind myself - I may not get anything in return, but I got the moment of joy in living. :) Rich and enrichment living moments. Don't know why I will cry after watching it until the end part. XD"
There are many more but keep those in your mind will do. :)


Random Messages:
Never forget what your friends had shared with you. :)

I will start with your mentor. He shared many things and always understanding and supportive of you. During those days when you were lost, he sent you this,

(English Lousy translation)
1) What is the most important matter in life?
2) Who is the most important person in life?
3) Which is the most important moment in life?

He wants you to reflect what you want in life.

He wants you to improve and be valued (self valued)
Besides your mentor, there are many people start to shower you with love and concern. Honestly, I know how others respond to your social media affected you. Believe me, it is a whole world issue, so you have to find a way to 'cure' yourself.

Van shared this message to motivate you, as he is trying his best to care less on how many likes that his social media gets and trying to care free. Not just Van, many of your friends like Shiv, S, Boo, JiaM and many FT friends... I believe their words have started to work on you.
I also know recently your darkness (tumblr episode) came back and haunted you like your IG with nasty, judgmental and mean comments, and you chose to close it while others will think I should leave it open. I know you always put others' feeling first and don't wish to annoy others in any way. I must say there are that event was a cocktail of self-expectation, perfectionist, low self-esteem and kindness. Hmmm so, in that 1/4 of goodness cocktail does not justify your action but I understand why you decided to do that - You are trying to protect yourself from further damaging of what you have grown in you. So hope you will be careful :)


In general, I just want to let you know, you won't be alone. :) You still have friends, family and me to accompany you to walk on this journey. Be strong, okay, Jeff? Remember that Wizard meme?

Your statue is SPECIAL now. You are a Wizard and let be proud about it. Be the STRONG and POWERFUL wizard! You have the power to either cast a spell to deal damage or let the magic corrupt you from inside.

Jeff: "Yes, blog. I will want to be the powerful wizard for now."
Always remember that moment when Heaven displayed this in sky. You are always taken care by Him. Thank you Heaven.

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