Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 4th Update

Hi Blog,

Happy VFT
It is my 4th update of my VFT SG survivor clones; you may check the previous post here (3rd update) Overall, I have a fond pleasure of growing them and took a picture of them growing beautifully on 2nd June 2018. But... my fear came back... Something isn't right....

Let's look at 2nd June 2018 picture and I also made an animated gif for the VFT.

Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best
One Happy VFT
Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth
There are a lot of them!!!
Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap
Still small but nothing bad happen :)
Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red
When you see the reddness, you know it is screaming for happiness.
Dionaea Muscipula - Fuzzy Tooth
It seems like it is picking up.
Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha
What a Joy!
Dionaea Muscipula - Roaring Flame
No animation because difficult to get the right focus
Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap
One of my favourite and hope I will propagate it.
Things started to make another turn on 26th June 2018... the aura of death from the past has come back...

They started to turn 'sour'...
Did you notice that they start to turn black and moody...?
I decided to repot them and tidy them.
Here we go!
Busy separating.
Big Mouth and there are five of them exclude the smaller ones.
Wacky trap seems to have a deep rhizome.
Separate the smaller one.
Hope I didn't break its root.
Flaming Roar seems bad...
There are many smaller ones at the left side.
So far, it seems healthy.
Are you okay? Fine tooth
Done digging every one out!
Remove all the dead traps and leaves.
DONE! The Big Mouth took up the entire right side of the pot.
I made a small reservoir for watering, hope it won't stain the moss on top.
Anyway... I did whatever I can to save them... despite the seller, D, wants me to purchase a new moss media which is costly... I have budget issue... I can't afford to get those... I guess I will do whatever I have. Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst.


On 17th Jul 2018, there is one emergency 5th update for the VFT (link)


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