Friday, May 19, 2017

Personal - Get Ready on Friday

Hi Blog,

Today was my last day before I go for a long break at oversea. I guess I will bring my laptop along and try to blog whatever I can at night.

Friday morning I decided to CLEAR all my tasks so I started to plan before I stepped to my workplace... I seemed very productive today!
(Random happening) You may think I pissed my pants but in fact, I lie on the wet basin and eating mango, then turn out my pants got wet stain.... Hahahaha!
anyway... It seemed like today I had some time to go for a jog.
Did my last jogging for the month before flying away. I am surely going to miss this street and neighborhood.
Windsor Nature Park
Today rotated to my black 2XU trisuit - It was great to rotate every suit I got.
Can I grow as tall as those plants/
Wefie with the rock
Great continuous jog today, Maybe I can jog at China? :) I shall try.
Back home and started packing

Thanks my mother for packed majority clothing in this luggage, I will just ensure some minor items like passport and shaver etc etc.
After I go on this trip, I have to thank a few people like Mdm Ang for passing me a shoes-sock so that my mother can wear this on cold floor. :)
Thank you my bro Jeff for giving me passport cover from Thailand which I can change the cover sleeves which accompanied me years. Bicycle and my name, great gift!
I guess I don't have many to bring, which my mother settled it for me. Thank you Mother.
Done Packing and getting ready! :D
Anyway, I was excited to go on this trip, my first trip which I treated my mother as her son. Achievement Unlocked!


Some random thing to share.

It will be my 2nd long distanced oversea trip since 2011 to Taiwan. I will make a post about my Taiwan trip in future.
By the way, I realised today my attire was actually the same as I wore in 2011 during my Taiwan trip. Just look how FAT I am now... Sigh....


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