Saturday, May 6, 2017

Personal - Staying Strong

Hi Blog,

Today Saturday was my busy day but morning was still empty so I went for a swim.

Wearing my Marcuse Wavy Trunk which I have not wore for a long time.
I gave up.... because whenever I swam, my trunk got loose... so I just sun tan - what a waste of trip.
Previously (link) I quit using social media due to my spiritual injuries by others, after I took a short break to reflect and heal myself... Somehow my day didn't have a good start....

I received this message again... My IG post got removed again....
Why Heaven has to show me my wound again....
I think back... in order to have true courage, Heaven sends fear; in order to have true love, Heaven sends people whom we hate. So in order for me to learn to move on, Heaven sent a situation which I fell; I have to pick myself up.

My instagram's purpose is like my personal diary, but it doesn't define me as a person, even if my posts got removed. Most importantly, I have friends who really appreciate me as a person.

Afternoon time, I had lunching together with my friends to celebrate XR and YW's birthday.
Late afternoon, I rushed down to celebrate J's baby birthday - arh... Everyone attaches and married, starting a family themselves. If I was my old self - I will escape from attending such events, but I went and just treasured the moments and joys with everyone. The world doesn't revolve around me. :) I am fine as normal human beings.
Night time something smoothed me out, I bumped to one of my ex pupils, Dallen. I feel glad when they come forward and greet me, "hi Mr Jeff."
I also bought comic books - One Punch Man 1 -12 for $79! It saved me a lot of  money!
And it reminded me of something.... Saitama did whatever he can, but not everyone will understand or like him. He knows himself, and someone who knows his true power; others have no effect on Saitama's power.
So... I learned a lot today. :D Thank you Heaven and some of my friends too.


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