Friday, May 26, 2017

Trip - China - Day 7 - Taking Train to Nan Tong 南通

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... and tiring... Argh! My Legs! Pain!

Early morning When I woke up, my legs got so intense that I had to calm down my legs to assure my legs...
I researched and learned why our legs will feel sore, what is the reason?

I packed up my stuff and wore my new attire which I bought cheaply in Under Armor store...
Sadly... I want to get a smaller size especially my top but the salesgirl just kept on insisting I should just wear this L size... now it looks like a normal t-shirt.

Now we traveled down  to take train, and along the way I saw the summit and where I stood to watch sun rise - my YOLO moment.
My OOTD for the day and love this province
Thanks CC for bringing us around and we will be taking train 🚃 (one of the old type train) to Shanghai then YY will fetch us to Nan Tong 南通 - total journey time - 12 hours. What a ride!

In Tai Shan Railway, its operation was just like Rapid train or airport - you have to scan your luggage and waited for the train.

waiting area
Look like Korea train station, hmmm like the movie - Train to Busan
the train was here, but I walked too slow as there was no escalator and I had to carry my own luggage with my extremely sore legs.
Hmmm we were given a card... what was that for?
walking along this small pavement to our seat
oooooo our seat were a bed! YES! can rest! Oh Yes! that card tells us which bed we will be taking.
Initially  I was wondering that are we going to sleep sitting up for 11 hours? It seems like it is a good after all. Bumpy but I am still thankful for it.

Train started to move and no zombie spotted yet
Choo Choo!
I will sleep at the second layer in a shared cabin
so... Long hours of hibernation?
trying to rest my sore legs
11 hours.... hmmmmmm
Just yippee!
and also check out their toilet! Small and waterless flushing system, you know why?
whatever you passed it will just go on the track!!! eeww but what to do? There is no better method.
My camera and me selfie moment.
ZQ and my mother looked bored, seemed regretful
after six-seven hours of sleep, I can't sleep anymore and just enjoyed the scenery
Enjoyed the beautiful sun set
Finally after 11 hours we reached Shanghai, Nan Tong!
No zombie spotted yet but long hours trip can make a zombie of a person.
waiting for YY to fetch us, thanks Heaven for the safe trip
I guess nothing much for today. Sleep early today!
You may click here for Day 8 to continue the journey with me.

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