Saturday, May 27, 2017

Trip - China - Day 8 - Nan Tong Gardening Expo Garden 南通園藝博覽園

Hi Blog,

YY decided to bring us to one of the popular spots for the people who stay in Nan Tong, it was their Nantong Gardening Expo Garden. (weird... No much review online)

Nantong Gardening Expo Garden 南通園藝博覽園
If you noticed, China's sky is always clear and blue... 
As we entered the area...

Small drainage hmm
Or man-made river
Never stop highlighting the values they hope to promote
What a beautiful entrance display
Let's Wefie!
Mammoth Entertainment Castle
This reminded me of the Tian Mu Lake
What a handsome mammoth and ugly 'man'moth here
my favourite VFT
AHhh! What a fat tummy to lean on.
Round and chubby
wah! a T-Rex!
Come on Smile! hmmm they don't like to take pictures though....
A dome found beside the T-rex
OOOOO like garden by the Bay but warmer
okay, cactuses... what's next
Hmm very limited species around - nothing impressive
many dried and less maintenance here
selfie with Mammoth
Big lake here but... it was sunny
Spot something interesting in Gardening Expo, It was a fame with a beautiful background behind, like a printing.
too bad no one wanted to take pictures at all during the trip so I will have to do it myself
This place was huge, even the map can't tell you the actual location properly
Where is my love and willing to go on a life long journey together?
Never mind I know you are at somewhere
Wide big bridge
Because during afternoon time, no one is visiting this place, so those shops weren't operating at all.
with my sore legs.... I found hard to float around
Wired Hands reaching out the sky
Spotted a beautiful place here
Beautiful shaping here too
Time for emo-ing
To think again
Hmmm pretty standard garden shaping
deserted cable car
bamboo roof
The wind helped to create some "bamboo-music"
Peaceful pond area
Touching the tip of the tower
This place is way too big
A gigantic Cup which I have no time to read as my mother got tired walking around and my legs still sored from the climbing.
Look at the ladies around me
I think we better go back asap, when everyone just got restless
check out everyone's restless faces
It seemed like when came to shopping mode, everyone got energetic
our first shopping mall visit in our China trip
Overall: the local said it will be awesome at night than day time, I must say that I fully agree with her. Oh well, I can't expect much but to be contented and experienced the whole thing.

Due to my sore muscle and everyone's tiredness, we just went to their shopping mall to purchase some of the requested goods, then we headed back home, witnessed some of the local dumpling making, what a special treat! :)

Two more days left before leaving China, it seemed like something happened between YY and my mother. Click here for Day 9.

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