Monday, May 22, 2017

Trip - China - Day 3 - Confucius Temple 夫子廟

Hi Blog,

When we arrived the place, We were kind of lost our way and end up, we walked around the perimeter of Confucius Temple Zonal, but lucky ZQ used his phone to figure out the way to visit there.

Standing right in front of one of the street; if I spent some time to figure our location, we won't waste an hour to get it...
busy street
One of the stores' staff gathered to have a morning mass workout
Ah Is that the main entrance?
My mother just can't stand me for taking pictures and lagged behind the group
Okay we were lost

Confucius Temple situated in the center of Nan Jing old city zone, and somewhere along Qin Huai River - China's most famous river which is rich in history and culture.

After looking around and referred back to the map, we got into the street
Standing at the beautiful river - Qin Huai River
YIPPEE! We were near the temple!
I helped my mother and in return, my mother took pictures for me; showcased two different styles.
You can pay for a boat fee to ride around the river but we skipped that
At Confucius Temple, you need to pay for a fee to enter the temple and I understand it is compulsory due to the maintenance of the place.

Found Confucius Temple!
Entrance of the temple
A ground artwork
five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義, propriety 禮, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信) and once you entered the temple, we will see two virtues - Benevolence and Propriety) hmmmm I thought should be Benevolence and Righteousness...
Front hall
As I stepped into the temple, my emotions and mind were at a peaceful state. When I just looked at the statue of Confucius 孔子, my mind was filled with many great stories of what he had done, his sharing, his guidance, the great visions and wisdom.

Let's have our group photo here
ahh.... a statue of Confucius standing there
wishing bowl but I just don't wish for anything when my mother passed a coin to me
I did three bows toward the statue and after I had done, the people around me just stared, wondering why I did that. Well I just smiled and took a picture with my Great Teacher.
Main hall
a printing of Confucius
2nd area which has a gigantic chessboard on the ground, nice!
Too bad I can't capture a shoot with me in the gigantic chessboard
Big giant Chinese chessboard
another heritage room
Heritage about educations of the people in the past
Here is one important plate about Fusion of China religious - Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
if you know how to read, and this will be useful.
Check out the ancient bed or mini room
I love the space and beautiful detail
We didn't go in to the third place because it was end of the paid-zone
my mother
and me
Overall... this is a respectable temple but surrounded by markets and businesses... just like living in a world where we are surrounded by many disturbances. But at least I managed to pay my Great Teacher a visit.

I smell something nice!
Awesome Smelly Bean curds but too bad I CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!!!
There are many other stores like eye trick museum and etc, you can give it a try if you have time.
Look at this funny sight - people tends to walk under the shade
Welcome to Confucius temple street
Let's go elsewhere
You may click here Day 3 - Zhong Shan Ling 鍾山陵 to continue the journey.


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