Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trip - China - Day 5 - Liberation Pavilion 解放閣

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After we dropped off from the public bus, Liberation Pavilion just stood in front of us.

Liberation Pavilion 解放閣
Ancient building, oooooo... 
China flag flying up high
I can't express any detail about this place because it seemed like we were rushing browsing around... you can read up more here. English version here.

Checked out the springs around Liberation Pavilion
Wefie Time!
My love to nail-less structure
Look! SWIMMING in SPring water! WOW!
It seemed like we can go up to the top
Check this plate out of brave soldiers
A long chinese text explaining about this pavilion
I didn't smile here as it was a way to express my respect for them defending China
You shall be honoured but... sad thing was why some of the guys continued to do wrong things back to the people...
Please set the people free from blindness over this material world
We asked one of the visitors to take a group picture for us and he took it well.
Let's us visit the springs now!


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