Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Personal - My China Trip Reflection

Dear Blog,

As I always quote, "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst." In these whole journey, that quote I made (prepare for the worst) become my living motto.

Now I was on my way flying back to Singapore. Those days when living days without Google, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, CQ or even Blogging, doesn't change me but allow me to learn to cope living my life without them. Even though in my mind, I know I will connect back again, but I am more or less prepared those days when everything is out. It also gave me a chance to look around and to adapt their lifestyle.


In general, staying in China isn't an easy thing especially people like me, considering I am just a low class Singaporean, already found the cost of living is quite challenging for the people who stay in the city (their housing loan and family burdens)

Their family members will have to travel far away to earn a living, that's why during the holiday break, the parents will love to see their kids to return home. No wonder the street will pack up during holiday especially CNY.

Living in Singapore, even though the cost of living is HIGH, but at least the transportation is still considered convenient. I recalled that Uncle Siang shared with me that his own son can't even spare time to meet up his own parents than his in-law or his own family; even fetch uncle Siang for a doctor appointment, has become a chore.

I should not take things for granted and make time for my parents. What's the use if you earn a lot but forgo your basics.


If you find mosquito is annoying and "dangerous"? Then you won't enjoy your stay in China. The mosquitoes are part of their life, different from dengue mosquitoes, but if you lay your attention on them, you will have hell. For me, I learned to live with them in Singapore, and despite of their relatively larger in size (visually you can see them flying around you) I didn't lay my palm on a single one of them.

Appreciate every single living thing is another motto I have to learn to uphold, even though during my visit in China, I can't stop anyone from taking meat 🍖 hence it is their way of life.... hope one day they will improve. So sorry to those animals which got killed that I can't do much...


During this trip, I realized I am free from the mindful over my body image. The people here, they don't spend time on their own image - fashion sense and physical; Even their TV drama actors look normal and decent. They promote importance of education and how to earn a living through whatever opportunities as their life aims.

I visited their men's clothing department or stores, they have standard style - not loud and plain design. No one will judge you for wearing the same style for your life.

Every man above their 25s tends to have a small tummy and they are okay with it; the teens tend to look slimmer in build. The society won't pressure them on keeping fit or to look fit!

And also due to, I stopped watching the Instagram popularise and praise all the GOOD physical or stay away from Facebook or YouTube trying to tell me to feel Great to look fit and awesome; I feel less low upon myself. Just like looking at a distort mirror which make us look shorter and fatter, if we don't learn which is the real form, we will be distorted mentally and spiritually.


I learned that I have been paranoid about China people but after staying there for more than a week, most of them I must say, they are quite decent in general. Even though some can be money-driven but they are still alright and need to be tuned in future. Like queuing, driving and crossing on road, littering and bad customer service etc etc... they are still picking themselves up due to aftermath of the past. Patience and faith in humanity, one day they will be better, and the day will come.


Going on an oversea trip... I learned we should not disturb others.

Many people claimed I will save a lot of money by staying at friend's place. But the inconvenience we caused was inevitable, as the tourist attractions are usually faraway from their residential area. Hence we are visitors and guests, they have to arrange transportation to bring us around, most of the time, paying our entrance fee or meals too.

Best is either go on Dutch or just meet them at a meeting point elsewhere or staying at their house for not more than three nights.

I feel so guilty for them to pay for us during this trip; I learned to host my foreign friends like how I was treated in this China trip. In Singapore, convenience is an advantage so I have to be thankful.


Next time if I am given a chance to travel to China, I will like to experience by going on a trip with my friends. Start saving up!


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