Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trip - China - Day 5 - Uniquely Ji Nan Spring City 濟南泉城

Hi Blog,

After browsing through Libration Pavilion 解放閣, the spring 黑虎泉 is just located beside it which was our primary objective today. :)

Awesome looking pavilion
Ji Nan Spring City is named as one of the BEST Spring in the world, 天下第一泉! (read more here) and (English version) For us, we only visited two popular springs Black Tiger Spring and BaoTu Spring.

Black Tiger Spring 黑虎泉
check out this area! Its water came from the ground! Clean and clear
Can you see what was people doing here?
Each of them carrying at least two big containers to carry water!
Look at the greenish but yet clean and clear water!
Check out how clean it is in the water
Feeling like jumping in it
The Libration Pavilion and the Spring made a beautiful scene
Here, under the earth was where the water comes from but I wonder how it works... (below)

some detail about the spring at Black Tiger Spring
Spotted a drinking corner
Let's try to drink it from the tap and Refreshing!
some ground rules for the people, limited to 500ml (but with the size of the container they carry around I doubt it helps), operation time from 7am to 7pm (what happened after 7pm?), no washing allow here to contaminate the water (hope they will follow).
a tortoise guarding the spring?
two great Tigers sculptures
Just simply love this one as another one got photo bombed
the people here can access an unlimited supply of clean water.
Ji Nan seemed like a GREAT place to stay
The residents' daily chore
Love the natural rock formation here if it didn't spoil by the trash at the side.
we decided to take a boat to travel down to other places
here are some write-up about the Spring City
CHECK OUT HOW BIG IS THIS PLACE! We were at the bottom right corner and will be sailed toward left side of the map
One stop will cost like $10... oh well, just try for once
Looked around and you will spot Willows around
they added calmness to the scenery
The water in this river flow isn't that clean though
let's Go
tranquil scenery
I forgot the name of this water plant... is it anacharis?
Hi, Willow. :3
Smooth ride on water
beautiful :)
We had reached the next stop and walked for a distance into the city for a lunch at Fu Rong Street 福榮街.

Hey, dude, I found a naked toddler sun tanning here; he has been exposed for age!
feeling like going into this mall but nope, lets continue our journey

BaoTu Spring 趵突泉

Then we carry on visiting one of the best Springs within Spring City - Bao Tu Spring
This one will need to pay for entrance fee
I thought Ji Nan will be cooler province to visit but by noon, the sun got heated up!
Check out the size of this area!
Willows looking down to us
what a "flare"
What a wonderful place to sit near this and think about life
Big giant bowl with clean water which is unreachable
Look how happy the fishes in the water - No feeding through.
Too bad I don't have such beautiful outside my door
Here is the heart of BaoTu Spring
MUST Selfie with it - YOLO
hey Mother, please SMILE for the picture!
CC's mother and my mother, funny thing was that both of them had some communication issue but still can chat with their limited language power for one another, their expression and the help of their hand gestures.
Singapore will not see such natural spring
Emo moment
sometimes I wish that my Miss Right will be with me....
this is one nicely constructed spring area
Now after watching youtube, I understand how this picture made sense
I was left alone exploring this area, my mother and her friends were too tired to walk already, so... selfie time!
OH, my! Spot an Yin and Yang! 後天八卦!
okay, I can't selfie with it because the sun was too bright!
How come I can float? because this is what I got my power!
better rock formation spotted :D
Spotted a group of elders playing mahjong in this place. Hahaha
Don't know who is he though; as this pavilion still under construction.
back to the past
Check out how clean the water again :)
That was where the kids have fun in the water without any judgment... If an adult did that? He will be dealt of judgments and disgusts unless he is ripped....
My mother and her friends can't walk anymore... we decided to take a break but I still can float around
I wonder why can't build a straight bridge than zap zip
My favorite shot of the day, do you like it?
oops! My camera gave me a red warning!
I guessed I will rest my camera for the time being. Thank you for your accompany

here are some famous springs which we have not covered.

we went through this above
Look at this BIG SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Black Tiger Spring where we started

Overall experience - it is a big place to visit. It will be physically challenging for the elderly, and it is a kind of touch-and-go place. But It is still great to learn how it is a tourist-popular spot due to uniqueness and tranquility.

Next stop we will go back to CC's house 🏡 to have dinner and I will take a nap before a big challenge. 

I wanted to buy this bird nest but it is too costly... so I take a picture of it, like as if I owned it in my memory.
Click here to read Day 6 - Climbing Mountain Tai 泰山


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