Saturday, May 13, 2017

Personal - Why Do I have to Change to Fit in?

Good Saturday Morning Blog,

Great! Sunny morning today so meaning my workout day! I decided to deliver something to my friend who stays at Yishun.

Wearing my shade and started riding!
By looking at myself... I had some thought over myself. Recently I bumped to one of my friend's FB post, he wrote..

"If your perspective is the minority's,
does it necessarily mean you should change yours?"

It got me thinking of what or who I am.

I started to look at myself and compared with others....
Just like... Many people will find me weird or mismatch in my wardrobe/attire choice. (Aka wardrobe malfunction)


1) Wearing Cycling Jersey + Fatbike?

Many people actually complimented me that I look professional in wearing cycling jersey; honestly I feel so glad that people appreciate me as what I want to be, not professional enough but serious into cycling as a hobby. By wearing a jersey to motivate me to cycle, just like wearing my trisuit. (link

But others just want to judge and feeling weird on my choice of wearing jersey, here is why.

Road Biker Attire
Mountain Biker Attire
Normal Biker Attire
Those are the attires on how mainstream cyclists will dress themselves as.
There is NO WAY for a Fatbiker to wear like a road biker, either I wear like a mountain biker or normal people in T-shirt!

Seriously... I don't know why... WHY DO I HAVE TO FOLLOW MAJORITY?MAINSTREAM? Just because I don't follow how you precept the world in general, and forgo what I am or I want to be?

But I also found some cyclists who will wear a jersey on their fatbike too. (IG link & link) That explained something, it is ALL depend on personal preference!

To be honest, I just don't like baggy clothing, so mountain biker is out, and so do a normal T-shirt on cycling even though it will be commonly accepted by the public. I wear Cycling jersey because I don't like sweat on shirt that stick on my back! Same rule applied to my trisuit too! I don't get it why I can only wear my trisuit for triathlon, not for other occasions or activities.... Seriously!


2) Wearing the wrong shade?

To be honest, I don't need a shade while riding, I can see my way clearly. Why do I have to spend money on one? Beside wearing a sport shade is EXPENSIVE especially I am myopic! I thought wearing shade is to prevent dusts and debris to affect your vision while riding, I have my own glasses to protect me... so do I need one?

this is a sport shade, only look cool for those who look handsome, not on a nerd like me.
I did some reading about sport shade but it was in Chinese language, here is the link, read the history of it. So having a shade for me isn't necessary but others still feel I should get one. FINE! I will get one but when I wore those sport shade, I looked like ShXT!

Until I found this!

I got this shade from Korea
Unique thing about it is, I can simply wear this shade over my spec!
But others still think my shade is wrong choice.... Just get lost! Narrow-minded people!


3) Collar up or open?

Look at this sample below!

Zip up or open the collar?
Even whether I should zip up or open it, also got comment! Personally I feel zip up is neaty and professional. What wrong do I have to follow the norm???


4) Water bag or Water bottle?

Check this handsome cyclist below!

He has everything sorted out, and accepted and pleasing by the public's eyes
He has the water bottle on his bike but I am wearing a water bag... I looked weird wearing a water bag (that's what others said) LOOK! I just don't like to invest a little thingy to hold my water bottle and pick up to drink; I just simply love the idea to drink from tube. What wrong with that? And with bag, I can store my camera and whatever too. Why do I have to look like the handsome dude above? It is a personal choice!


In the end, I just choose to be who and what I want to be. I know there is a wardrobe rules in society to leave GOOD IMPRESSION, but I am not buying that. Personally as long as that person feels comfortable and wear decently than wearing extremely. It should be OKAY! Not like I will be wearing a swimming trunk to teach pupils, right? I won't go that extreme, even when I love white and own white trunk, trisuit or jersey.

There is no ending to this.... Even our DNA will have a mutated genes for changes, why do we have to make the same????

I don't care much and smile for today sorting myself up

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