Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Food - Tempeh

Hi Blog,

Funny thing happened to me today. I bumped to an article about this Indonesia delicacy- Tempeh (link). It looks awesome and interesting, fermented food.

Then I mentioned to one of the teachers at my workplace when they were talking about tempeh yesterday, and I expressed my interest to try; then this morning, I saw this on my desk.

Thank you Mrs Mak. :)
Interesting look - moldy, If I didn't read information about it, I will not consume it. 
Looking awesome and smooth.
I finished it after taking those pictures, it is chewy and soft.
But I dare not consume the black part as It seemed unappealing and repulsive.
Then Mrs Mak showed up and she was surprised that I consumed it RAW?! As it is supposed to cook, fry or at least cook before consumed. Every teacher who know this news, started to worry.... but in the end... I am fine as I checked the internet - it is safe to eat it as Raw. :) never die yet!

Here is the recipe on making a home-made tempeh


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