Saturday, May 27, 2017

Trip - China - Day 8 - Good Morning

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I slept the whole day on the train and after dinner with YY's family, I rest early too; despite of my legs were sore like crazy, the first morning at Nan Tong 南通, YY's house 🏡 greeted me with its spacious land.

Overview of YY's house
They grow wheat 🌾 and some other vegetables too; it seemed like every house will have their own land to harvest their own vegetables. That was amazing.

Beautiful Wheat Field
YY's father was glad to bring me on his motorbike to see their marketplace (click here to read more), now I had experienced China different transportation modes: nteresting!

sitting on a motorbike was a scary experience as I have not in-control of it
Good old motor bike
They love You Tiao a lot!
They have a different way to cook their fried You Tiao, different from local style
Even though we maybe staying under a roof, but we actually staying with many insects - especially mosquitoes and spiders will be useful here
Now YY will be bringing us around randomly at Nan Tong, click here to Nan Tong Gardening Expo Garden.

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