Monday, May 29, 2017

Trip - China - Day 10 - Going Back to SG

Good Morning  Blog,

Today was our last day of the whole China trip, Kind of missed Singapore already and my legs felt a bit better.

zzzz.... woke up... It was great that we had a good night rest
Woke up feeling great because of last night.
We did a morning shopping trip on our own along their shanghai street. It was still early like 830am, but my mother and I did a few last min purchases before check out. It is best to avoid making discount at those stores.. they are struggling to tighten their sale and expense, so let's be gracious about it.

After checked out the Hang Di Hotel 航迪商務賓館🏨, thankful of them provided their best service to customers - carry our heavy luggages and sent us to airport for free without accepting our gratitude (a tip), and keep on emphasizing to visit their inn again; that is their selling point from the satisfied customers.

Thank you Hang Di Hotel crew
We will come back again to stay if I come to Shanghai again.
Reached Pu Dong Airport, as the time aged, the work load also started to increase but just enjoyed the whole journey as much as I could. We spent our remaining leftover amount onto panda 🐼 products - one for my brother's bday and my HOD.

The new terminal was built at Pu Dong Airport
Let have a picture at the airport
Glad we are safe and sound during the trip
First time bringing my mother to oversea - successful
Finally I sat near a window seat! Hahahaha! But but...
bought this for my brothers
cute minions :)
Unique bottle for yogurt in China
After four hours ride, we Touched down safely. Thanks Heaven for everything. Waited for my elder brother, surprised him with our gift 🎁 and back home. End of my journey.

a gift for my brother
During the flight, I tried to type out my reflection on this trip which you can click here. Good bye China! I learned a lot.


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