Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jogging - Too Late

Hi Blog,

Today was my last workout as I will be flying sooner. I will try to blog whatever I can, if I can't, I will try to update my write-up daily when I am back from oversea.

Today was the blue suit.
So lets go before sun set!

Fiery evening sky :)
Today lets explore the new side of Venus Loop
It was a long trail, up and down, turning in and out, I also disturbed the animals in the wood, as it was a quiet route.
It was an interesting route of Venus Loop - but it will be good to visit during the day.
And by 720pm, the path to the wood was getting dark... 
Funny thing that while the wood was pitch dark, the sky was still relatively bright... but to be safe. I stayed away from the wood; I don't wish to experience dark shadow brushing shoulder with me. Time to prepare pack up!


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