Monday, May 1, 2017

Trip - Sentosa Beach and Fort Siloso

Hi Blog,

Today was Labour Day, Public Holiday; it was a good day break for everyone. XY wanted to spend time at Sentosa and I decided to join him because I wanted a serious sun tannin and visited a place.

Today morning weather seemed GREAT!

Sentosa blue weather was so welcoming!
Yup! It was GREAT! Thanks Heaven for allowing me to sun-tan and healed myself.
Thanks Xunayi for helping to take this picture which I always want to with Merlion.
WAH at Palawang Beach got wide fake grass - beautiful
Palawang Beach and crowds were decent :)
Southernmost Point of Continental Asia
Using XY's phone can capture such awesome photo
South view of Singapore Sea
North view from the tower - seeing awesome people with great bodies make me feeling small... oh well... to think back and look again - everyone with or without, is the same from top view. 
Shall we go sun tan now? :)
I wore my Fading Marcuse Wave Trunk to  beach, I guess I will have to change to another one in future because this one material is getting loose.
Let's have a shot together!
Are we walking to Siloso Beach like this?
Let's GO!
Nearly got children stepping on my camera.
Let's swim then tan.
Clean but yet milky water to swim in
Look up! XY you can do it!
OOPS! My camera dropped into the water and you know what... It is Safe!
After sun tanning for two hours, we headed to Fort Siloso (link & review) where British tried to defend Singapore.
Let's go and explore Fort Siloso!
There is a short new trail built to go up to Fort Siloso.
A simple trail or sky bridge above.
Interesting bench
My first seeing of canon again after so many years
The new map of Fort Siloso
They had organised the place and I had to reload my memories.
Most cannons facing the sea to defend Singapore from Japanese Soldiers
with the hard working soldiers and nice ass. XD
This scene has not changed since I was young.
Busy soldiers are still fighting war since 1942
Free underground tunnel, I will suggest to have a great experience of Fort Siloso and WWII is best to pay for a tour guide to access to deeper underground operation.
lonely 'creepy' place
if this is REAL and it will be like Halloween.
I will really want to read up this place.
Overall visit to Sentosa was a trill and I will plan for Eyes Trick and Adventure Cove next time.

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