Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Personal - Don't Compare Myself to Others

Hi Blog,

Recently I have been doing some self reflection of myself on taking a break from social media...

Initially I wanted to quit social media because the more I checked, the more inferior I feel... but I realized that don't solve anything because I was doing it out of frustration. Then I gave myself a three months break from using social media, but I knew I am just escaping from my inferiority. So I spent the break period to reflect and adjust myself - asking myself what is my purpose of using social media - like what I have put up on my Instagram profile.

💡It is served like my personal picture diary which I write down my moments.💡Apart from my personal blog, my Instagram is just an overview of personal life experience. I am glad that I still have a blog to accompany me without any judgment.

Just while I was thinking for a direction for myself, I had a HTHT session during Labour Day (link) and many people encouraged me through messages, comments and PM...

thank you everyone including XR, XY, Aloysius, Rup, Shiv, Ivan and others
And today I found a new YouTube with an interesting title "Don't compare yourself to others" at the suggested page like as if it was sent from Heaven!

I learned I should not compare myself with others; I should stop doing so, as it just simply doesn't light up my day at all..... then I bumped to second video suggested below.

The speaker pointed out all my unhygienic emotional, he was right... I kept on hurting myself... I don't want to... maybe I am just loneliness I guess...  but now I have to practice emotional hygiene.

Thanks to many people who care and gave me their words of encouragement while I was "adjusting".

That's why I decide to come back again with the right mindset. We all have our archilles heel and how we deal with it, defines who we are.

And for me, It is about how can I live my life like a lighthouse, to lead people to the Light.

Jia you Jeff and thank you Blog for reading.


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