Sunday, December 30, 2018

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

I just came back from an overseas trip. I felt so happy to see something different from the norm and I tried my best to keep my blog up-to-date. Thank you some supporters who don't mind a random boring Singaporean's daily life; You motive me to be even more serious on my blog. Thank you.

1st Dec 2018 -
D8 - BaiRong Trade Center
2nd Dec 2018 -
D9 - On Our Way Home
9th Dec 2018 -
Woodlands Swimming Pool
10th Dec 2018 -
Feeling Down
13th Dec 2018 -
Didn't Expect That
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Flying Over
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Aurra Ammie Veg Restaurant
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - KhaoYai Panorama Farm
19th-21st Dec 2018 -
D1 - U Khao Yai
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Pak Chong Night Market
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Maneesorn Sunflower
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Pete Maze
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Ban Tha Chang Spring
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Palio Khao Yai
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Yellow Coffee Submarine
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Primo Priazza
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Chocolate Factory
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 -Farm Menu
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Centre Point Childom
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Ratchada Rot Fai
22nd Dec 2018 -
D4 - Going Back
24th Dec 2018 -
Christmas Eve Hike
28th Dec 2018 -
A Day at Sentosa
30th Dec 2018 -
Last Hike for 2018
December Randomness
Check it out

Personal - Random December

Hi Blog,

Last month of 2018, usually my December posts will be mostly - Cycling to workplace and more jogging time. So far... Have I slept my days through? Time flies so fast, I can't even feel the ground.

Hiking - Last Hike for 2018

Good Morning Blog,

Today hike will be my last hike for 2018. Time to reflect 2018 during my hike alone. (but later I will meet up with an old friend of mine whom I knew 10+ years ago while he was clearing his leave from his busy schedule.)

7am - Yawning... I don't have enough sleep though but thanks Heaven for a clear sky.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Personal - Spent a Day at Sentosa

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. Today was the last school working day for 2018 and school had planned a staff bonding session at USS at Sentosa. It was free for USS entrance and got food voucher too, that made my day!


Monday, December 24, 2018

Hiking - Christmas Eve Hike

Good Morning Blog,

I need to express my frustration out somewhere... I just don't know how to feel towards people who portrayed with all the promising and wishes etc. I told myself to give everyone a chance to express themselves and I should not even judge or put on guard towards anyone. But... When they can't keep up the character they uphold, I just feel cheated... (I don't want to go full detail...)

Like in my previous hiking experience which I reserved my time for them but they flew kite. Today I was about to hike alone and release my stream by draining myself. S told me that he is free for the day, and accompanied me for this hike. Thank you, S.
It will be a short post about my hike and thanks for taking pictures for me,

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 4 - Going Back

Good Morning Blog,

After a good relax and fun swim in the hotel, everyone in my group knew that I will be upset to be back to Singapore because I don't have a chance to swim for free. Haha. Kind of sad but still manageable.

We had packed up our stuff and decided to check-in earlier since the traffic at Bangkok will be packed.

We had our last breakfast together and went for our last shopping trip

Friday, December 21, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 3 - Ratchada Rot Fai Night Market

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. I can't think of much because of too tired and crowd-draining.

Shopping in Bangkok within a day is TOTALLY impossible! That place is a shopping heaven for shoppers. So for us, we only have a night so we decided to visit Ratchada Rot Fai Night Market.

Busy nightlife at Bangkok

Trip - Thailand - Day 3 - Centre Point Chidlom

Hi Blog,

Long hours sitting in the vehicle and my butt was almost baked. We had arrived at our Bangkok hotel stay - Centre Point Chidlom. Come let me show you around.

Centre Point Chidlom

Trip - Thailand - Day 3 - Farm Menu

Good Afternoon Blog,

After Chocolate factory visit, time to settle our lunch. We decided to go back to Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant and Mushroom Farm for that Bloody Sweet Corn. I noted there is one food store sells Thai Mango Sticky Rice.

Welcome to Farm Menu, which is beside Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant

Trip - Thailand - Day 3 - Chocolate Factory

Good morning Blog,

Day 3, we were on our way back to Bangkok after checking out, there was one place that we will want to visit, and that was Chocolate Factory Khao Yai. We decided to make a quick purchase so that we will have more time to visit Bangkok Night market or other shopping malls.

Welcome to Famous Khao Yai Chocolate factory.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Primo Priazza

Hi Blog,

I can't believe today we had already visited five places! Let me recap - Sunflower, maze, Spring, Palio and Submarine. Now we decided to make this one the last one for today because everyone was somehow tired.

Primo Priazza

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Yellow Coffee Submarine

Hi Blog,

Bad experience during our lunchtime, we decided to go to Yellow Coffee Submarine for desserts. Honestly... I just feel too full to eat anything else. But visiting this unique place is still worthy.

Yellow Coffee Submarine only entrance

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Palio Khao Yai

Hi Blog,

We were supposed to have lunch at Witches Brew Cafe but due to a large group of vegetarians, and space and food constraints in that Cafe, we decided to visit a tourist attraction - Palio Khao Yai (nearby)

Welcome to Palio

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Ban Tha Chang Spring

Hi Blog,

Personally, I prefer to visit somewhere less touristy attraction and will like to know how will the locals spend their time besides visiting those main attractions which usually advertise online sites and blogs.

The entrance of Ban Tha Chang Spring

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Pete Maze

Hi Blog,

Have you played maze before? Usually, we play maze on paper and sometimes in a game - The excitement of beginning and lost seem so manageable when we have the advantage of a bird-eye view. But if the condition changes to a life scale maze, that will really put ourselves to a test.

Pete Maze will test you

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Maneesorn Sunflower Field

Hi Blog,

Staying at U Khao Yai already awed my naive-mind, the next destination really opened up all our senses! That was Maneesorn Sunflower Field.

Entrance of Maneesorn Sunflower Field

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Pak Chong Night Market

Hi Blog,

We were on our way (some distance away) to Loving Hut, where is a vegetarian place, then continue our night at Pak Chong Night Market (nearby). But... Loving Hut doesn't operate on Wednesday. Oh... my... how can I miss out this detail... Well, we will go as planned, visited the night market and see whether we can settle our dinner along the way, maybe Seven-Eleven or mini-mart will help.

Warm lights lilted up the street, and this is Pak Chong Night Market.

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - U Khao Yai

Hi Blog,

I have not visited many hotels before so I have limited experience until these dated. There are a few hotels which I had stayed before, some simply blew my mind and left a positive impression. There are two places which have a good impression: One is Chok Chai Farm Camping (I had not started blogging) and second will be U Khao Yai.

Let me show you the beauty of U Khao Yai around!

The entrance of U Khao Yai, believe me... THAT SIMPLY BLEW MY MIND!

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Khao Yai Panorama Farm

Hi Blog,

After we had filled up our hunger, time to explore Khao Yai Panorama Farm. (Official Link) I was so excited to visit this place because, besides a simple mushroom farm, they also have a beautiful resort but we didn't book a night over there. (you can check their official site for accommodation)

Khao Yai Panorama Farm

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant

Hey Blog,

One factor for making a good oversea trip is food. As a vegetarian, it will be easy if I am the only one in the group and I can settle it on my own. (Non-vegetarian won't understand us) But they decide to become one will be a joyful moment for many lives than us. Anyway... As an overseer for this Thailand family tour-group, finding a vegetarian restaurant for a large group is a challenge.

Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Flying Over

Yawning... Hi Blog,

Thanks for waking me up... Yesterday was a long day from work, I had packed my luggage and met up my childhood friends for a movie and gift exchange session until 12am, then take a grab to airport around 4am.

I got myself ready a day before by carrying my luggage to work.
What were we doing over there at such an early hour, when our flight was 7am?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Personal - Didn't Expect That

Hi Blog,

Remembered one of my China trip posts, I bought something for my lady-friend? (post link)

This one, remember?

Monday, December 10, 2018

Hiking - Feeling Down

Good Morning Blog,

Today I took my leave a month ago because my friend can only go for a hike on weekday and since my weekends were preoccupied for some weekend-programs. I will go for a good long hike.

Beautiful weather!
But... Things just went South...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Swimming - Woodlands Swimming Complex

Good Morning Blog,

It will be a short post. Yesterday, ZN and I went to my sister's home to stay overnight after a heavy BBQ session, and we decided to visit the Woodlands Swimming Complex.

The morning sun greeted us with a wonderful morning ray.
Who knows... the next thing which was going to happen, was turn our world around.