Sunday, December 2, 2018

Trip - Beijing - Day 9 - On Our Way Home and Reflection

Good Morning Blog,

Here come to the end of my trip. Thanks, the locals accompanied us and ensured our safety.

Don't know why... the feeling of the whole trip seemed so short
My worries of cold weather might affect my mother and aunt, seemed like I had over-thought. At least, they are safe and strong.
Hmm... What have I learned from this journey?
Perhaps four.

Listening to tranquility.
1) I learn that "Through Traveling, you can truly know a person and even ourselves."

When a situation/itinerary doesn't favour our expectations or desire, how we react especially in oversea. Can really reveal a person's true attitude.

I won't comment how others behaved. I have being observed and watchful over how I behave these days - when I hold a litter, when I used a public toilet, when I opened a door for strangers, when I acquired some info, when I took public transportation, how I treated my accommodation areas, have I shown my appreciation to any service rendered to us etc etc I must say I did well and very discipline. I won't litter, bargain and leave a big mess behind.

This revolving door
I remembered there is one local elder wanted to enter this revolving door and I was ahead of him. Once I exited, I just simply waited and ensured that he has enough strength to push that door (requires some strength to push)or not.

He looked at me and smiled, "you have a kind soul for taking care of elderly." Oh my, I was surprised by his comment because I thought no one will bother why I stood there. My mother just laughed at me, to brush off the awkwardness on my face and chatted with the elderly. He just wanted to know more about me (like where we come from etc etc) but I can't understand a word (beside my mother does) from his thick Chinese ascent.

Anyway, it is just something which I have to learn to be proud of; but I feel rather embarrassed to be praised over things we SHOULD do.

2) Be Thankful

Things can happen
There are many hiccups during our journey. Usually we will be "jumpy" but I just keep up a thankful and grateful attitude that we had a safe journey, no sickness, no major delay, no lost, no accident, still be able to stay connected by Wi-Fi, and experienced many new things.

Even though it was quite lonely that I don't have any close accompany as I am seemed like a lone ranger (my mother has her sister, MQ has his GF, ZQ has his friend accompanying and I am just alone with my 'photographer' and handphone blogging my thought). It always seem nice to travel with your loved ones or best with your stead.

Oh well, I reflect deeper... Am I actually lonely?
Nope. I did travel with my family and friends, and also traveled together with Heaven and Earth. They are with me the whole time, taking pictures together. My friends saw my photos on IG and FB, they commented how come my photos were nicely taken with blue sky and while theirs were gloomy. I know that I am not alone on this trip.

Besides, there were my local friends show their concerns by providing advices and gave things like socks and passed me a orange jacket to protect myself from cold. I am and have to be thankful.

3) How Insignificant we are

How short I am. LOL
Just look at the size of China or even the mountains alone, how insignificant we are if we only mindful over petty issues.

I had some chance to chat with the locals, they share how they live their living; they know China is growing and the purpose for living is shrinking. Without the Heart of the World and expand our "dimension" - we won't be able to live our life with values.

Just look around from third person perspective.
Example: when you look down from the plane, watching at the people, vehicles and city lights passing by slowly. What is your feeling? Empty? Upset? Angry? Awe? Happy? Honor?

For me... I feel so connected. I can feel the city is breathing. The trees are chatting. The animals are investigating. Just by opening our heart. Okay! I shall stop here; too much bullshxt. LOL!

4) Embrace One Another

I just love this shot.
I believe you had read some hiccups we had, many had displayed some unfavourable emotions, attitudes and behaviours, what I do, is to embrace them than "trying to correct them".

Anyway I had shared too much, which sound like a bunch of senseless talks above, but it is alright. I know I have gained something back in every single trip I made at least.
Time to take transit flight home. Do you notice there is barely anyone here?
Taking this back :)
The moment which you realised - I am just a Low SES person.
Oh yes! I forgot to comment on the food on the plane. I ordered a Jain meal and I had the BEST plane meal ever.
Look at the basmati rice and under this, have curry gravy to make the rice tasty and soft than dry-hard.
Finally we had landed safely in Singapore. I miss Singapore.
I shall end my trip here. Thanks some of my readers for support and helping me to spot some mistakes on the hyperlink especially Uncle E. I appreciate that. :)



  1. Very interesting and detailed writing about your trip and yourself during the entire trip. You are a very humble and down to earth person with a very good character.You are never alone but with wonderful mum and aunt and a group of friends. You are very well disciplined and good mannered. All the shots are beautiful. I noticed that the above shot at The Great wall the weather was fine with clear blue sky and the ground was not wet.

    1. Haha I feel so honored to be encouraged by you.


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