Friday, December 21, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 3 - Ratchada Rot Fai Night Market

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. I can't think of much because of too tired and crowd-draining.

Shopping in Bangkok within a day is TOTALLY impossible! That place is a shopping heaven for shoppers. So for us, we only have a night so we decided to visit Ratchada Rot Fai Night Market.

Busy nightlife at Bangkok
Ratchada Rot Fai Night Market or... Marauasalw?
Sea of visitors - this place is filled with a mixture of loud music from the stalls and languages among people.
What the FRUIT! Interesting exterior - Singaporean will love this kind of name and exterior.
Usual night market is well known with large varieties of food and goods, and in Ratchada Rot Fai Night market is well known because of its size and affordable price range.

I didn't bring my camera out so I rely on my lousy phone camera to document this trip. Let me show you around.

Ladies clothing here is one of the common goods
Food stands the highest. I can see people walk around with food in their hands.
The stall will take every space to sell their goods like in my China trip.
The crowd here still manageable in a wider space but if you start to enter a slight narrower space and... 
If you travel with your friend, and if you stop for browsing without informing your friend; be prepared to lose your friend out of sight.
Quite tempting to buy those clothing at an affordable price
I found this stall which you can customise your own wallet or passport sleeve. I got one for my mother.
Enough clothing already, we were moving on to the food session.
My friend said on the social media, there is a beautiful lady who is selling fruit smoothie, and many people will visit her and take pictures with her too. I wonder how pretty she is.

Here is the video.
Hmmm... okay... I think my definition of beautiful is different so I won't comment much.

I managed to take a picture of her. I have to say she does look GREAT in the photos but not... hmm
Anyway, it was too crowded at the pretty lady smoothie stall, I walked further down (like a few stalls away) found a crowd-free smoothie stall and selling slightly cheaper than the pretty lady. So I got a melon smoothie from her. You are doing well.
Okay, it was late... We had to take a cab back to our hotel, and need to make some bargain with the cab drivers (they don't activate their meter). Remember, not to make bargain too low because you won't be back home for hours.

Something bad happened to us while we were trying to get a cab. There were six of us so we might need to take two cabs to reach our hotel, but some of us think it will be better to get a bigger vehicle from Grab and travel back together than separated. Somehow I learned Grab in Thailand is illegal. (news article or forum) so we have to take up the option of a cab.

Initially, the cab driver told us 600 for us and two cars (1200), we rejected. They continued bargaining to 600 two cars (300 each) but EK rejected and challenged them 300 for six of us or a bigger car, that was dismissed from the driver. So we crossed the road where is lesser crowd, there was one cab agreed 250 for six of us to squeeze in the four-seaters. Honestly, I don't like the idea of it... But Bangkok isn't the area that I have experienced before, so better leave it to someone who has the experience to decide.

So six of us squeezed in the cab, but after a turn (the driver wanted to take a side road), there was a police investigation stop, and we got fined for over-riding of passengers. We asked the driver how much is the fine, he replied 690 but he also asked us to pay 500 for this ride and he will cover the rest. Honestly, I felt we are at fault and told everyone to fork out 100 each (600 total) to the driver.

To think about it... if we had taken the first offer - 600 for two vehicles with a spacious seating arrangement, we won't even need to go through this. Greed is running within us. What a lesson to learn. Anyway, we were safe and no more trouble from the driver, as we also covered the remaining 90.

Good night for everyone. Let's continue to day 4 here and going back to Singapore.


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