Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Khao Yai Panorama Farm

Hi Blog,

After we had filled up our hunger, time to explore Khao Yai Panorama Farm. (Official Link) I was so excited to visit this place because, besides a simple mushroom farm, they also have a beautiful resort but we didn't book a night over there. (you can check their official site for accommodation)

Khao Yai Panorama Farm
Let's me show you around.
The parking area - Small but only for guest
Simple setup for guest to chill around but I doubt anyone will use it.
Since it is a mushroom farm, so why not stick to the mushroom theme?!
Mushroom arrows
Even the toilet sign - Mushroom. hmm... I wonder how they differentiate it? Oh! By its colour.
Simple toilet
Open space toilet. Special though.
On top of the toilet, there is a chilling zone under a hot sun.
At least, they are still mushroom-themed. I believe it will be a perfect place for night seeing.
A big mushroom structure erects from the wood. If they make the mushroom cap with some texture, will be an awesome sight.
What do they hang on the tree?
There is a mini restaurant where they serve mushroom-dishes.
And some simple mushroom museum.
They were celebrating Christmas and New Year together.
They have a Mushroom Farm Package. You can buy one of their packages to visit their mushroom farm. I must say it is a good package with an exchange of drink/food too.
They also have their own unique drink.
We purchased our ticket to visit the farm, it comes with a free mushroom drink.
Oh my! This fried mushroom was TASTY! Even kids who hate mushrooms won't resist this.
I don't know how to describe the taste, it is like less sweet Cheng Teng + birdnest drink with mixture of mushrooms
Yum yum yum. Nice but I have to control the intake... ended up, I gave in! XD
Mushroom Farm tour!
Mushroom Farm's proudest product. I want to purchase more of those, but... It was my first day of the trip, so I decided to save up.
This handsome guide tried his best to communicate with his decent English and a few Chinese words, answering our questions and explaining the benefit and facts of a mushroom.
Check out their grown mushrooms. Wow!
Time to see more mushrooms!
Before we stepped in, we needed to have a water-baptized. Not sure why but we followed the instruction.
Inside each room, there are neatly arranged of bags and a rather moist environment.
The white portion in each bag is the mushroom mycelium.
WJ was checking on the mycelium (true life source of mushroom)
White Jew's Ear mushroom
Rooms after rooms, the neatly packed nurseries show how much the crew trying to take care of this mycelium.
The sight of a mushroom cap is a reward for the effort that they have put in.
It may seem insignificant, but it is a 'fruit' of their effort in harvesting.
If I am loaded, I will like to make a mushroom farm myself.
Because it is a simple but yet difficult kickstart business
But it is about the joy of growing them.
Water baptized again.
I have my own personal photographer in my hand and I also have XY who doesn't mind taking of me too.
OOO! MY! This is the legendary Monkey-head Mushroom! Amazingly hairy!
Monkey-head XY
Some mushrooms prefer to grow in a dark area and some people who has breathing issue, is best to avoid visiting a mushroom farm.
As you lilted beneath the mushrooms, you will spot their constant stream of spores.
Personally, I love how colourful a mushroom can get.
Here is the PINK mushroom! Yummy :3
There are some rooms locked because the mycelium has not grown out any 'fruit' yet.
The handsome guide told us, we were in one of the expensive room - Ling Zhi room. (read more about Ling Zhi) And Panorama Farm is proud about it because they are one of the few Ling Zhi successful distributors and growers.
Beside visiting Mushroom farm, there are other small business at the entrance of Panorama Farm.
Some sell wild tasty honey (a bit too rare that I dare not try) and fruit stall.
But there was one amazing thing which captured our attention at Panorama Farm.
That was the Siam Ruby Queen Corn!
The boss proudly modeled for us his harvest.
And allowed us to try these out and I have never eaten corn uncooked, but let me tell you something... It tastes AWESOME!
We decided to purchase more and bring it back to Singapore! I shall name it ‘Bloody Sweet Corn’!
Anyway, it was late, we quickly took a group picture and rushed down to U Khao Yai to check in.
Let's check up U Khao Yai Resort!



  1. Interesting and educational tour to a mushroom farm to see different types of mushrooms. Most likely to clean your shoes so as to be free from harmful germs and bacteria before entering the cultivated areas. Does it smell awful in the dark rooms? We do have purple corn but not that common here. I sure you greatly enjoy the visit very much.

    1. Yeah very educational tour. It doesn't smell awful at all.
      Here got purple corn???

    2. Yes.I do see them in the market.

    3. WOW, if you spot it, let me know. :3 I want to get those.

  2. WJ is same age as you.. married?
    The Thai guide's jeans look very nice. Lol

    1. He is younger than me and yes, he is married. His wife also tagged along for this trip.
      Yeah that guide's jeans looks so nice and comfortable.


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