Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Primo Priazza

Hi Blog,

I can't believe today we had already visited five places! Let me recap - Sunflower, maze, Spring, Palio and Submarine. Now we decided to make this one the last one for today because everyone was somehow tired.

Primo Priazza
Our last stop for the day
Professional ticket - if you have a hobby for ticket collection, this will be a nice addition.
Ooooo Primo Piazza is another Italian themed park where you can feed some animals.
Only entrance at Primo Piazza
Well maintained exterior
Metal chairs under a hot sun? Bad idea!
Let take a group picture before our energy drained.
Insert Jurassic music then switch to Italian music.
Unknown area for unknown purpose where I got too tired to think.
But looking at cute Alpaca plush smoothed my attention.
Awww... Too bad, I can't purchase such cute stuff.
Welcome to Italy!
Hmm... Welcome to Thailand! :D
I love how (if it is real) people can live in a narrow residential space.
As long as with a content mindset, living in whatever space can be happy!
Hmm... I think here supposed to be shophouses but it is left empty.
Square tiles, this one is even smaller tile.
If they can convert the empty to a hotel stay, might be new! Just a thought.
What is Love? Where is she?...
Want to be a farmer? :)
beautiful flowers, aren't they?
An explosive-type of flower grows along the pavement
Feeding zone
Ah! Alpaca!
It looks like a sheep with a donkey body.
Mom mom....
Aww... they are so soft.
Phones, grass, Alpaca and pellets of their dropping on the ground.
Feeding the sheep
Trying to reach out for food
More mommom
Be careful, don't try to hold the grass in your hands while they are trying to get it from you, because the grass will cut your palm.
So we need to be careful.
My resource was draining - I decided to feed them slowly.
And tried to touch them
Every one of you will have one from me.
Why are you so hungry?
After this shot, the sheep bit my camera string, thinking it is food for them. Lucky they didn't eat the whole camera.
It seemed like my camera power was drained in critical low.
Come on, let me spam snapping as many as I can.
Lavender flowers :3
My second last shot from my camera
last. My camera entered thirsty mode.
(XY) now XY helped me to take pictures with my lousy phone.
(XY) Tools for a photo - I realised we can use those props for photo taking.
(XY) We can access to the second floor!
(XY) I noticed that I can open the door here!
ooooo! Here is the interior of one of the houses.
Empty room. :) My mind started to run with imagination but my camera was dead.
We gathered everyone
and have a group photo to end our visit at Primo Piazza.
Primo Piazza is basically farm feeding place with a beautiful theme, but I just feel bad feeding those animals... Because they are doing that like every day! Eat Eat eat... While human exploit them... So sad but yet, it is inevitable... Hope the animals are well-taken care at least.

Time to go back to the hotel, for me is swimming and continue Day 3 - Chocolate factory


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