Sunday, December 30, 2018

Personal - Random December

Hi Blog,

Last month of 2018, usually my December posts will be mostly - Cycling to workplace and more jogging time. So far... Have I slept my days through? Time flies so fast, I can't even feel the ground.

4th Dec 2018 - After a long trip, back to my normal lifestyle. Whatever pocket time I have, I will go for a swim. Great to know that Tampines Safra Toilet was renewed and clean! I miss the days of swimming... If I live in China, I doubt I will ever have a chance to swim frequently.
6th Dec 2018 - Finally got a chance to wear my new one-piece cycling jersey to match my helmet. Do you like this new suit?
6th Dec 2018 - Something co-incidental thing happened! Dongsaeng K sent me a picture of a rainbow while I stopped by to capture this shot at the same time.
8th Dec 2018 - Yesterday I learned that my friend's father just passed away, so I decided to cycle to attend the wake after work. I should not attend the wake in that attire so I brought extra clothing to be dressed properly. but... Things didn't go so well... When I was there, my friend was busy with his bosses and colleagues. So... no one came over to attend to me, and I sat there alone for around 10 minutes... I dropped my little token (poor man...) and exited myself quietly, as it got very awkward... I don't wish to stay any longer as it will only mess up my peace. Honestly, I am not perfect and think negatively... but I tried to manage it and took it positively (at least I showed up, I should not have any expectation). Hated to be tied down by such emotions... Right when I reached under my block, my friend gave me a few calls and he called to apologise as he needed to entertain his bosses. I was thankful that I picked up his call and don't let my anger take over my judgement. Thanks Heaven.
9th Dec 2018 - what a coincidence to bump to my ex-pupil, KBin. He was about to have a 21st surprise birthday party for his friend and I was attending vegetarian BBQ at the same place. Besides surrounded by good food, I was reloaded with sweet memories when he addressed me "Mr Jeff". I can still remember how active he was when he was young, very "people-person" and Today I see he is the main lead for his party. Jia you, KBin.
10th Dec 2018 - Today I wanted to go for a blood donation because since I didn't go for surgery to remove my lump (will lose blood during the process) then I should donate my blood for better uses. This is my first time donating blood, and I am scared of needles. I buffed all my courage to walk-in and I was very nervous. After my second station of checking (blood test), I was told that I am low-iron, they need 13-18 range but mine was 11. Meaning... I am not healthy enough? Or well, I was given two packs of Iron pills, I will need to come back again after a month. I felt the drawback but I should not!
11th Dec 2018 - Despite it was raining but when I was about to reach the swimming pool, it stopped and allowed me to swim for a short while to 'revenge' my regretful swim (blog post)
12th Dec 2018 - Don't know why... The Dec days seemed to pass by fast. Maybe because my weekends were occupied with programs, I do not have time to rest myself.
13th Dec 2018 - Today will probably my last day of cycling for Dec school holiday. Thank goodness, I didn't go lazy mode and leave my waifu at home.
18th Dec 2018 - It has been a busy week for me... and today is my only personal day left for Dec and a lot of things going on... My colleague will be leaving us and missing her already. All the best to your life. At night time, speaking about missing people - It has being a while since my childhood friends decided to meet up and bond. Even when I only have a few hours of sleep and got to travel in the early morning, treasure every opportunity to bond is important. Because... friendship has its own expiry time and different duration - some can be CLOSE like brothers in days but stranger for years/forever; some can be a friend for a day and last forever. So I have to learn to accept the fact and Treasure every moment to be together; even though I am a boring person, that is all I can and I will.
25th Dec 2018 - Merry Christmas Blog. I spent my evening of Christmas to the pool and Found BB swimming too! Great catch up session!
26th Dec 2018 - I can't believe I gain 3 kg... Time to go for a short jog, even though my body is really dragging me mood. Slow or fast jog, should not matter. I just jog. Hmmm... I don't know why... I feel so lousy when some people gave me promises and right after I learned to trust, they just dropped their mic. What a great performance. Time for me to remain quiet.
27th Dec 2018 - 2018 is going to end sooner. I reflected what have I done this year. Did I improve or get worse? No matter what, I know one thing, I need to continue on moving forward. Either you die on the spot or succeed. I will choose moving forward.
28th Dec 2018 - Nice working with them closely for a year and I finally found a place for me in my working life. :)
29th Dec 2018 - My Last swim for 2018. Hope to swim more often with my childhood friend, W and maybe can invite Uncle E or even K (if he is ready) too.

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