Saturday, December 22, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 4 - Going Back

Good Morning Blog,

After a good relax and fun swim in the hotel, everyone in my group knew that I will be upset to be back to Singapore because I don't have a chance to swim for free. Haha. Kind of sad but still manageable.

We had packed up our stuff and decided to check-in earlier since the traffic at Bangkok will be packed.

We had our last breakfast together and went for our last shopping trip
Going to the Airport can be a problem especially in a large group, so we managed to get two vans (800 per van). Expensive but don't complain anymore.
This van was a grab vehicle, it has a cool ceiling when it lights up.
An hour to the airport, The whole trip felt like ending soon.
Vegetarian food in Thailand will be a headache and it is tougher especially in a bigger group. So if any vegetarian friend who is planning to visit Thailand, try to print out a translated script of your diet requirements.

Hope this one is useful
I am glad to be part of the trip. If you still remember that I mentioned, you will know a person during an overseas trip. During the whole trip, I witness the great teamwork - like how we worked and compromised one another. It is like a mini-Heaven or even like a family. That is a great motivation and friendship-catalyst. :)

Glad everyone is safe. :)
Next trip will be Taiwan together. So excited to think about it. Okay, I am tired now. I shall end my posting for now. :) Thanks for reading.



  1. Look everyone seems so happy at breakfast and eager to return back. You all should have extended another day in BKK to explore the shopping centre at MBK (MahBookKong)near the Stadium station and many more places and night entertainments.

    1. Yeah Uncle Jimmy. I wish I can stay longer at bangkok, but not everyone favour bangkok in some way because they are bangkok regulars. So I will hope to go bangkok myself or with friends next time.


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