Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Maneesorn Sunflower Field

Hi Blog,

Staying at U Khao Yai already awed my naive-mind, the next destination really opened up all our senses! That was Maneesorn Sunflower Field.

Entrance of Maneesorn Sunflower Field
It seemed like we can spend a lot of time here.
There is a entrance fee to get in. Actually, it is kind of wasting of paper.
Non-Sunflower plants filled up another side of the field, giving the field a yellow soft touch impression
Small stores setup at the entrance
with simple dishes to feed the visitors' hunger
Most of them are selling sunflower seeds. It is tasty!
And any sunflower relate products.
Some random stuff to add variety
By looking at the sun at a direction, I know... We will have a FULL spotlight today.
OH MY! Just look out all the happy faces of the sunflower!
Some visitors already stepped into the field but some of them actually stepping on top of a few sunflower stalks. :(
I took a picture of sunflower at my eye level, just to show you how tall this sunflowers grow.
And when I rose my camera, my short height can't help much to improve my situation.
I was so Happy to stand in front of sunflowers.
Thanks XY for helping me.
Okay... the sunlight was too bright and I can't open my eyes at all. I wonder how the sunflowers can stare the sun daily.
New 'Eye' ready to...
Just look how big the flower is
STARE into your soul
They installed a platform to increase our height for better view and angle for pictures
But for us, it is meant for experience how is the feeling of taking fresh air for a tall person.
Sunflower is my 'flower-scope'.
Then I shall look away
but but... To take pictures with Sunflower, you know you will need to face the sun like the sunflowers.
But seriously, the blue sky was the BEST.
In the sunflower field, you will spot a few trees than spreading everywhere because...
It is meant for farmers to take shade under a hot weather and a stack of hay to stay away from the hot ground
Morning sun is the Best moment
Let's embrace it and photosynthesis
(XY) Overall of sunflower field
There is a simple swing in the field, purpose? FOR PHOTO!
Hi there, lady. May I take a picture with you?
Let's Dab together!
(XY) It has being years since I sat on the swing.
Unknown structure erect out of nowhere. What is this?
Suddenly my friends told me that I am in the picture. Huh, excuse me? They brought me to this photo booth and…
My photo was snapped when I posed, and now it was printed out and framed.
Honestly, I like that they provide me a frame and date. I am okay for buying my picture than throw into the bin (which I don't like as it hurts my ego).
Due to we have other itinerary to cover, we can't visit the pet farm in the sunflower field and have to leave the place before the sun hit its full strength.
Last shot for Maneesorn Sunflower Field
We had a great time at Sunflower Field. It was a beautiful photo worthy place. Credit goes to the beautiful Sunflowers, without their smiles on their faces, we won't be able to shine with them.
Next nearby stop - Pete Maze.


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