Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Pete Maze

Hi Blog,

Have you played maze before? Usually, we play maze on paper and sometimes in a game - The excitement of beginning and lost seem so manageable when we have the advantage of a bird-eye view. But if the condition changes to a life scale maze, that will really put ourselves to a test.

Pete Maze will test you
You can't find anything special from outside unless you know why you are here
Hmmm... OH! Ticket booth.
The sun gained a lot of power, it was too sunny.
150 bht for entrance fee
I got one myself.
Welcome to Pete Maze
Here is the entrance, am I ready?
I am ready!
Not everyone wanted to enter this giant maze. So only a few brave members took up the challenge!
As The elderly preferred to stay put, some people will stay to take care of them and some will take up the challenge. The ticket seller told us the fastest record is 30 mins.
Pete maze is a live scale maze with a wall of 2m high.
So are we able to clear it within time or take up a longer time? Let's find out!

In the maze, whether dead end or along the way, we will spot some random statues waiting for us. Oh my! Alien! let's me go!
Spiderman traps forever.
Are you lost?
Let's bring it out of the maze
It seemed like she is trapped by the surrounded water
We met many dead ends, but we didn't give up.
But some will give up in the trap.
This maze can really test someone faith and patience.
Some of my friends wanted to give up but we believed in teamwork.
If we are lost, we lost together, and walk towards the exit together. Leave no man behind.
because you are 'women', I have to leave you here.
We spent some time to study the maze at the bridge and helped some kids out.
Somehow I was in deep thought, observing everyone.
We are a team!
Let's get out of here.
I will make myself useful too :)
Rest area
Group picture!
They have a Christmas tree here, I can imagine if they forgot to bring in the stuff, they might need to walk a long way out.
If there is a storyline for having such statues, will be better.
If not, it is too random.
I think this space is meant to delay our timing.
My imagination started to kick in. LOL, but nope.
We were about to complete the maze.
Oooo. Some random statue
Completed! We took 28 mins to complete this maze! Credit ourselves for being great teamwork!
But the sun got rather energetic and going to Khao Yai national park (far and need to pay 400 baht, just to see a waterfall and become leech's feasting target) is rather a turn-off for many people, so we changed our itinerary to visit the local spring area. It is less touristy place but a unique and peaceful place - Ban Tha Chang Spring. Let's check that place out!


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