Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant

Hey Blog,

One factor for making a good oversea trip is food. As a vegetarian, it will be easy if I am the only one in the group and I can settle it on my own. (Non-vegetarian won't understand us) But they decide to become one will be a joyful moment for many lives than us. Anyway... As an overseer for this Thailand family tour-group, finding a vegetarian restaurant for a large group is a challenge.

Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant
In Thailand, this is the word เจ which reads as Jey; means "Vegetarian". You can click here to read more about it.
Across Panorama Farm has a vegetarian restaurant, Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant (reviews and FB) which got good feedback from my vegetarian-friends.

So, to start a good trip, we will go to that restaurant first before anything.
The animals welcomed us with a smile.
When we arrived at Panorama Farm, some hiccup happened, another van lost his way so we spent some time to look around.
There are many houseplants hanging outside the restaurant like visiting your friend's residential.
Many deserted stores here... Like the peak of business went down.
Despite it looks deserted, the remaining store owners still keep up a positive attitude with a smile.
This is the famous Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant
Feeling like visiting a village
This peaceful pavement has a rural-tic feel.
with Urban-tic human beings
After 40 mins, they reached the farm and we were very hungry. We crossed the road to Aurra Ammie Vegetarian Restaurant and had our mushrooms feast!
Everyone was overwhelmed by the menu that Aurra Ammie has.
Here is the snapshot of a menu to help any visitors.
The price is affordable and they have a lot of GREAT foods!
Overall they serve great foods! We awed in every time whenever they put our food in front of us.
Some beautiful decoration touch-up, effort appreciated.
Feeling so full.
Next stop - the Khao Yai Panorama Farm.


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