Sunday, December 30, 2018

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

I just came back from an overseas trip. I felt so happy to see something different from the norm and I tried my best to keep my blog up-to-date. Thank you some supporters who don't mind a random boring Singaporean's daily life; You motive me to be even more serious on my blog. Thank you.

1st Dec 2018 -
D8 - BaiRong Trade Center
2nd Dec 2018 -
D9 - On Our Way Home
9th Dec 2018 -
Woodlands Swimming Pool
10th Dec 2018 -
Feeling Down
13th Dec 2018 -
Didn't Expect That
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Flying Over
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Aurra Ammie Veg Restaurant
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - KhaoYai Panorama Farm
19th-21st Dec 2018 -
D1 - U Khao Yai
19th Dec 2018 -
D1 - Pak Chong Night Market
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Maneesorn Sunflower
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Pete Maze
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Ban Tha Chang Spring
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Palio Khao Yai
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Yellow Coffee Submarine
20th Dec 2018 -
D2 - Primo Priazza
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Chocolate Factory
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 -Farm Menu
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Centre Point Childom
21st Dec 2018 -
D3 - Ratchada Rot Fai
22nd Dec 2018 -
D4 - Going Back
24th Dec 2018 -
Christmas Eve Hike
28th Dec 2018 -
A Day at Sentosa
30th Dec 2018 -
Last Hike for 2018
December Randomness
Check it out

1 comment:

  1. Had read your blog. Very interesting and well written with some expression and grammar errors but comes with beautiful shots.
    The way you express it was interesting; sincere and very true to your heart.


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