Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hiking - Last Hike for 2018

Good Morning Blog,

Today hike will be my last hike for 2018. Time to reflect 2018 during my hike alone. (but later I will meet up with an old friend of mine whom I knew 10+ years ago while he was clearing his leave from his busy schedule.)

7am - Yawning... I don't have enough sleep though but thanks Heaven for a clear sky.
Time to get ready before the sun gained its full strength.
Today will be my 2018 Last Hike, I wanted to hike longer but I can do so anytime.
Good morning Sun :)
Hiking Mode selected!
While reflection and self-talk, it seemed like Nature was patting my shoulder.
Blue sky with feathery clouds remained me to get back to my second instagram - ilovecloudsky
After an hour 30mins of hiking alone, time to continue my hike with my old friend.
Quite excited to meet up with an old friend and hiked around
Because we had built trust with one another for a long time and we won't change much.
The only thing that changed, is our age. Hahaha
BB showed up and like meeting an old friend who lost contact for a good long time. The nostalgic feeling was flowing and filling my brain while I tried to register the new profile of him. We started to have more white hairs and more life experiences/happening.

Anyway, today hike was to bring him the three quarries near his home which he barely knows their existence.

Hi BB, come on, Smile!
Yup! This is Hindhede Quarry, BB.
A monkey sat for photo shot.
Beautiful quarry, isn't it?
Meanwhile, we spent a lot of time sharing and updating one another. I can remember how we knew one another, I knew BB from a gardening forum when he is one of the forum moderators. He has a lot of knowledge and growing-experiences on flowering plants. For me, I was invited to be one moderator for carnivorous plant session, but it won't last long because of my inability to grow CP successfully and stepped down to allow someone worthy to take over the role.

Singapore Quarry - Don't know why can't the weather be less sunny for every visit I have? Difficult to take a good picture of this place.
BB spent some time to study and read up the history of Singapore Quarry
Time passed fast while we kept up chatting. BB can't believe we had been walking for more than an hour +

We had arrived to Daily Farm Quarry.
Our last picture together and ended my hike. I wished my IndieGoGo tripod arrives sooner... I am tired to take pictures from the ground level.
Since BB's house is near Bukit Timah, I decided to visit his home and see his pet Parrot.

Hello Parrot
Wow, something happened with BB's parrot.

Initially, it was nervous when I approached it. It will tend to bite me. His mother shared with me, it will call loudly (basically screaming) to chase visitors away. Got an attitude issue. Hahaha... They had it for 20 years, It has become a close member with BB's family.

Then I asked, does it know any trick or words? They said it can say "Hello."

Aww... it will be nice if it says hello than screaming. BB said his parrot is female and tends to be unfriendly towards his friends (unfamiliar face) but there was one time, it didn't scream to one of his friends (BB claimed a good looking friend) but greeting saying hello non-stop to get his attention.

After a while of sitting and chatting with BB and his mother, the parrot started to say hello, and it said non-stop to me. :D It welcomed me to her life!

I managed to record the moment when the parrot spoke. She was a bit shy when I aimed it on my phone.
BB tried to affirm me that even parrot likes me while most of his friends aren't. Animals won't lie and so I should not be too hard on myself.

From the video, it is to stop parrot from screaming. Useful video. :)
On my way back, I felt at ease and happy. Thank you BB and his mother, and his parrot.
What a good hike today.


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