Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 2 - Palio Khao Yai

Hi Blog,

We were supposed to have lunch at Witches Brew Cafe but due to a large group of vegetarians, and space and food constraints in that Cafe, we decided to visit a tourist attraction - Palio Khao Yai (nearby)

Welcome to Palio
Palio was part of the early stage of the itinerary but I removed it because I thought Wizard Brew is within Palio, but nope. It is located at another side like two separated malls. I am glad that driver suggested we should visit this place.
Palio Khao Yai
A Big P was found at the entrance of Palio.
Italian themed architecture
Sexy roman statues guarding Palio's entrance
Left and right side at the entrance Palio
Small stores are every space the Palio has
Despite the hot scalding sun, Palio was crowded with visitors.
Interesting tiles - usually it will be in square, but here is rectangular.
Ooooo, There is an award for participating and interesting way for promoting their place.
It can get famous because of beautiful European architecture and helps of social media, it is a Heaven for photographers or visitors who love to take pictures. It gives a totally unique look for your Thailand trip to Khao Yai which simply make your friends amazed by your pictures.

This was my proudest shot of snapping a street without any visitors.
Goods which sell inside one of the stores.
Very simple and peaceful European village
Well-growth houseplant outside one of the shophouses - showed the love and care from the owner
Seriously, I don't think I am in Thailand.
Some stores are left empty; actually, it is quite challenging to make a business here. I believe the high rent kills.
Anyway... The price food and stuff are rather costly (for tourist price) but at least, you can still enjoy the visit because of… FREE admission and Awesome pictures!
Isn't it beautiful?
Mini Cafe
Hi pretty ladies! hmm... They ignored me
This place is quite big where requires some time to explore every street.
But, I dare not go any deeper because we were given limited time here
I hope those pictures were enough.
I wish I still have Time infinity stone with me. (just imagination)
Empty stall - Do you want to have a stall here?
People are everywhere!
Nicely sculptured lion head
I feel this kind of European architecture is getting more and more mainstream.
In my previous China trip last year (link), they are making a Europe replica - I guess it is a dream for an Asian to bring some Europe outside our door. (Personally, I am that Asian)
I also dreamed to have a GF as hot as her!
But she was so HOT, she scalded my palm. Hahaha!
Is the second floor real or prop?
I bumped to XY and let's have a picture together.
With the unique architecture, everyone can become a model.
Like me. LOL
Group picture to end our Palio visit :)
Next stop we will be having lunch and being a vegetarian… it is a bit difficult to communicate to the locals what kind of vegetarian we are. Example, we told the crew that we want vegetarian egg omelet without onion and garlic, then they will inform the chef that, the chef will add in something else like fish sauce (because that chef is a vegetarian but he takes fish in his diet.) In every meal at a non-vegetarian place, we always have to return our dishes back to the chef to re-cook because of our restrictions

I guess a lot of patience and forbearance require during this trip.

Next stop - we will go to Yellow Submarine Coffee Tank for some desserts.


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