Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trip - Thailand - Day 1 - Pak Chong Night Market

Hi Blog,

We were on our way (some distance away) to Loving Hut, where is a vegetarian place, then continue our night at Pak Chong Night Market (nearby). But... Loving Hut doesn't operate on Wednesday. Oh... my... how can I miss out this detail... Well, we will go as planned, visited the night market and see whether we can settle our dinner along the way, maybe Seven-Eleven or mini-mart will help.

Warm lights lilted up the street, and this is Pak Chong Night Market.
Pak Chong Night Market is a unique place where there sell many local foods which you will never taste before.
Like this one, Banana Sweet Biscuit. Yummy!
Thai foods tend to be either too Sweet or too Salty or too Spicy.
As a vegetarian, I can only check what they sell in the market.
But the price is really attractive! I can imagine if I can eat anything. I will be like cookie monster
It seemed like it is a long street
Hygiene is something which you need to be aware.
They also sell interesting fruits. Very affordable.
Very meaty stall
Besides food, they also have clothing, a lot of kids clothing
Especially women clothing if you don't mind Thai/Asian style
Some random goods - this is how Thai trying to earn for a living.
Really don't know what is this.
The highlight of Night market is....
Simple stall and they stay focus on what they are selling
Night market has two lanes so you can make a 'U-turn' to browse for more things
Aren't these cute? :)
Sweetness is their favourite.
Just look at the layer of sweet stuff
I can't take pictures for every stall so just try to feel the tiredness from their face. 
Elderly also trying to make a living. So please don't bargain.
Weak stomach is advised not to try their food.
What a trip!
Come! let's Go before I blocked the visitors behind me.
We managed to find a cookhouse to prepare a vegetarian meal. Simple and decent.
It seemed like... we might need to stock up some sticky rice back to the hotel.
Click here to see our Day 2 trip - Maneesorn Sunflower Field.


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