Friday, December 28, 2018

Personal - Spent a Day at Sentosa

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post. Today was the last school working day for 2018 and school had planned a staff bonding session at USS at Sentosa. It was free for USS entrance and got food voucher too, that made my day!

My second time to visit USS in Daytime. 
We were here to do a scavenger hunt in USS - Staff bonding. What a great way to work as a team.
My team - I was surrounded by 11 ladies.
I feel so Small in this group - I am a little boy here
Let's go! :D
Hey I am back! :D Thumb up with you!
Speaking coming back for my thumbup buddy, now I have one more - is to look out for Sz - Popular and passionate guide in USS! A shot when she removed her make-up. :)
After long hours of hunting, it was time for ourselves but everyone has their own clique to hang out, so I was left alone.
I decided to leave USS away from the crowd... I don't want to queue for the ride alone and crowds turn-off, so I left for Beach visit. I thought to spare some time for myself... Since it was an impromptu plan.
I walked a long distance away from the crowd to Tanjong Beach where is lesser crowded, and spent a while to convince myself to remove my clothing.
Time to let the sun to see my untoned body.
I felt so comfortable because no one was around (they were far far away)! XD
I forgot to bring one important thing... Suntan lotion!!!!!!!!!
I guess I can only tan a while.
I wanted to swim but but... No one is helping me to watch over my stuff.
And I only tan for less than an hour because I can't lay down on a small towel...
Time to walk a restroom at a distance. I can have the whole toilet for myself!
I regret for deciding not to remove a wet trunk... My shorts got wet and I don't know how I will look like from the back... So... Next time, I need to bring spare trunk or bird-freeing.
Hope one day, I can go for a good suntan again because it is FREE (save my wallet)!


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