Monday, April 30, 2018

Blog - April Overview

Hi Blog,

After I tried to make the March Overview as the last post to sum up my March blog activities, I felt it defeat the purpose for Overview post. So it will return to its original purpose for my blog.

1st Apr 2018 -
SG VFT Survivor #2
6th Apr 2018 -
Squeeze Some Time Out
6th Apr 2018 -
Durian Craze
7th Apr 2018 -
Short Trip To Ipoh
7th Apr 2018 -
Kbox Karaoke
7th Apr 2018 -
Hollywood Hotel
9th Apr 2018 -
Jogging with CC
14th Apr 2018 -
Ubin Exploration Again
15th Apr 2018 -
Well Spent Sunday
22nd Apr 2018 -
Sorting Out Myself
26th Apr 2018 -
Suit Theme #2
27th Apr 2018 -
Just Find Out
28th Apr 2018 -
Jogging at Punggol Park
29th Apr 2018 -
Badminton Session
30th Apr 2018 -
My Daily Lunch
Random Apr Posts -
Check it out!

Personal - Random April

Hi Blog,

It has been a year exploring how can I make my short post (like one or two images) for the day of the month. I know that it is not interesting to make many short posts so that is why I pack every short post into one post as monthly randomness.

After decided to post March Randomness at the end of the month... I feel like I didn't update my blog as often. So April Randomness will be at the top post.

Personal - My Daily Lunch Update

Hi Blog,

Something random here, Just some update of my lunch. Since last year, I decided to prepare my own lunch. (link) It has been nearly a year since I eat clean and I changed to brown rice. I check my own body figure, I still can't slim down so it is in my lousy genes.

Let me show you my lunch

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Personal - Badminton Session

Hi Blog,

It is a short post for today. After nearly 20 years ever since I last played badminton. Today we tried to revive this sport with my friends and bonded with the youngsters. EK, BP, SJ and I gathered our force to book a court and we managed to book ZD Primary School.

From this angle, looked like we are having a hiking session.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Jogging - At Punggol Park

Good morning Blog,

It is a short post. Since no one dates me for anything during Saturday morning so I decided to spend some short time to meet CC, as I need to pass her some stuff.

Trying to wake up 6am on Saturday and preparing a new theme. Which one you like?

Friday, April 27, 2018

Personal - Just Find Out

Hi Blog,

It will be a long post. After roughly four-six years of trying-to-workout (cycling, hiking, swimming) and watching over my food intake (calculative over calories and no soft drink); not as professional/discipline/intensive as those Greek gods or even spend time at the Church of Gym religiously. A ugly fat duck like me can never become a beautiful swan; maybe a fit nice body without my stupid nerdy face. I just don’t understand why I can't lose a bit of weight but gained more! Until recent, I found out my own problem!

Look at this example - with such plain-looking face will surely unfit for such beautiful body.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #2

Hi Blog,

It is a short post. After I had made a theme #1 (link) for my trisuit collection, I tried my best to make a theme #2 collection. Let me tell you, it was not easy task like making this theme #2, I put my phone on a thin platform, and one slight breeze can cause my phone to lose its balance, then dropped off. Thanks Goodness, my phone is safe and here is the outcome of my effort. Which one you like it?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Personal - Sorting Out Myself

Hi Blog,

Sorry I have not blogged these days so this will be a short and nonsense post because...

I have too much thought these days...
I am so busy in my routine, work and head. First, let's start my post with my jogging time.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Personal - Well Spent Sunday

Good Sunday Blog,

After my busy Saturday, my Sunday also no a rest day and packed with many stuff. Early Sunday morning, I stepped out from my house and time started ticking.

A hairy cloud greeted me first before I stepped out. :)

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trip - Visit Pulau Ubin again

Hi Blog,

XY and I decided to spend our Saturday to visit Pulau Ubin together with our own purpose - XY wanted to practice and utilised his drone and I wanted to utilise his drone to capture some shot of the quarries.

EK decided to join us as he wanted to workout.
You may check out my other Ubin posts too - My first Ubin Exploration (here), Revisiting (here) and visit all quarries in Ubin (here).

Monday, April 9, 2018

Jogging - Bringing CC around

Hi Blog,

Just a short post. CC is an amazing lady, today was her off day and she won't mind traveling all the way to meet me for a short jogging (in fact, it ended up hiking because she wasn't at her good statue.)

Let's do my theme collection

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Trip - Hollywood Hotel

Hi Blog,

Many years ago, we used to stay at one of our Ipoh friend's house and saved our expense. This time around, we decided to stay in one of their hotel which helped to boost their economic in someway.

Hollywood Hotel - interesting name. (link)

Trip - Kbox Karaoke

Hi Blog,

At AEON Mall Kinta City, there is a family karaoke place - KBOX. SM helped to book this place to fulfill our promise many years ago and now we are doing it! We will sing our hearts out!

Entrance of Kbox

Personal - Short Trip to Ipoh

Hi Blog,

Many many years ago, I visited Ipoh once every three months for years (hmmm, roughly four-five years) when I was young. I was there to help out, home-visit, do sharing and be 'educated'. We made a long good relationship with the people, but due to some changes, we had to stop going there... And it had being nearly seven years or more, we promised them that we will visit them but we didn't; so I decided to stop thinking and finding perfect timing, just go ahead!

I got EK to join me and took the cheapest route to travel to Ipoh. Thanks EK for helping me to book the coach and arrangement.
Here was our short summary of our nostalgic trip to Ipoh during the weekend.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Food - Durian Craze within a Week

Hi Blog,

Previously after mid of 2017 (link), eating durian can make our pocket feels all kind of emotions; the price for per durian especially the king of durians - Mao Shan Wang's price will range from $25-32 per kg. Not many Singaporean will want to spend so much on durians except the rich; beside having a sliver spoon in their throat, they have expensive MSW cream on their lips.

Durian durian durian!
Due to good weather pattern during beginning of 2018, caused the 'explosion' of durians, reduce the stock price of durian to $12-20 per kg for MSW! (link) That also meant many durian lovers will gather to fill their stomach and the air with 'wonderful' aroma.

Jogging - Squeeze Out Some Time

Hi Blog,

This week my workplace required me to arrive earlier, which also meant... I can go back an hour earlier. Since I have time in between I reached home and my next meeting, I decided to go for a jog and meanwhile try to seek a new theme.

In the wood, there are limited locations to allow my phone to fix a position. Stress...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 2nd Update

Hi Blog,

Today April Fool day, I finally have a good evening time to check out my VFT and new SG VFT survivor clones from D. You can check my first update here if you have missed out.

I did some update at my growing area - new VFT and pot.