Thursday, March 22, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 1st Update

Hi Blog,

It has been two months since I got my VFT - SG Survivor Clones from D (link). It is not a new cultivar but clones that can endure harsh weather in SG. All credit to D.

06 Feb 2018 - These VFTs just soak under 12 hours LED lighting. I was hopeful in the beginning but my curse seemed like doesn't end in the past...
Below are pictures of how they looked like after growing them for two weeks upon purchase.

I pot them in a plastic ware to hold water so that I won't need to water everyday.
Updated on 06th and 16th Feb 2018
02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best
Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best seemed like growing well. I have no problem with this cultivar.

02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth
Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth seemed like growing smaller traps... What happened to you? :(

02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap looked a bit emo with smaller traps.

02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red
Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red looked better and strong. It's reddish trap is like screaming for attention!

02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha
Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha seemed happy :)

02 Feb (L) and 16 Feb (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap seemed slow and not much new growth, but many traps started to die off...

Drosera Lanata
D saw the pictures and he suggested the VFT should place nearer to the LED light so that they will receive most of the light spectrum.

I tried to put a few jars to level up the height but not stable setting.

End of Feb, I noticed new problems...

The newer traps got black mold.
I wondered why this was happening and concluded, the airflow in my growing area was still and high in humility that will encourage fungi settling, then I installed a temporarily fan to create an airflow. I also cut the mold traps so that they won't spread further.

After few days later, they improved!

Updated on 03rd and 18th Mar 2018
03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best
Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best seemed like no problem growing vigorously.

03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth
Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth After removing the mold parts, it starts to pick up. :)

03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap looked happy now.

03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red
Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red due to closer to light, it showed more reddish than before.
03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha
Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha Is it growing bigger traps now? :)

03 Mar (L) and 18 Mar (R) - Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap seemed not growing well awhile, but now the newer traps seemed better :)

Drosera Lanata
I bought a typical big VFT to test the LED light if that light really help to grow VFT?
I also bought some Pinguicula Primuliflora with Live Moss, will start a test sooner.
Here are some mini updates about my SG VFT survivor clones' growth, hope they will continue to grow.


You can check 2nd Update here.



  1. quite interested to know how it goes. i gave up and bought a burbank's best not long after reading your blog. so far so good.

    1. Hi Rosa, I am surprised I got a reader on my blog.
      You bought a Burbank's Best? :) Who or where did you get it from?
      So far my collection (recently) got bad :( I will update it sooner.


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