Hi Blog,
It has been a year exploring how can I make my short post (like one or two images) for the day of the month. I know that it is not interesting to make many short posts so that is why I pack every short post into one post as monthly randomness.
After decided to post March Randomness at the end of the month... I feel like I didn't update my blog as often. So April Randomness will be at the top post.
4th Apr 2018 - CC just ended her night shift and back to normal working shift, and despite of my busy schedule, she doesn't mind to catch for a short dinner before I go for my meeting session. |
6th Apr 2018 - This week was my busy week - my workplace and after work... I just have to smile to wear off my tiredness. Credit to one of my pupils who helped me to take this picture. |
6th Apr 2018 - Third day of jogging. Am I tired? I will say no. Maybe just too packed with many stuff, I just need some rest. |
9th Apr 2018 - Taking a picture with the second largest teddy found in my workplace. Are you lonely, Teddy? Let's be friend. Sometimes, I wish I can have a large teddy accompanying me while I rest alone, watching and tender me, keep me away from this judgmental world. oh well... Thank you Teddy. |
26th Apr 2018 - It had awhile since I took out my phone/camera to take picture. Maybe because I am waiting for my selfly (phone drone) from kickstarter and portable tripod from indiegogo. Anyway, just a short update to jog with CC again, and conduct a weekly English lesson. |
27th Apr 2018 - After a month break from using IG to do some soul searching and cleaning; this afternoon I visited my workplace Sunflower area, the number of different insects clinging on the same sunflower with different purposes made me feel reborn! |
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