Thursday, April 26, 2018

Personal - Suits to the Theme #2

Hi Blog,

It is a short post. After I had made a theme #1 (link) for my trisuit collection, I tried my best to make a theme #2 collection. Let me tell you, it was not easy task like making this theme #2, I put my phone on a thin platform, and one slight breeze can cause my phone to lose its balance, then dropped off. Thanks Goodness, my phone is safe and here is the outcome of my effort. Which one you like it?


  1. I was google-ing for Zhenghua Nature Park when I came across your blog. Nice suit you got there. I love the white one :) have a good day

    1. Aww... I don't know who you are (as you didn't leave your name) Thanks for reading my blog and your kindest compliment.


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