Sunday, April 1, 2018

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - 2nd Update

Hi Blog,

Today April Fool day, I finally have a good evening time to check out my VFT and new SG VFT survivor clones from D. You can check my first update here if you have missed out.

I did some update at my growing area - new VFT and pot.
Drosera Lanata - Looking lousy still...
Pinguicula Primuliflora - I don't seem like having trouble with it at all.
(NEW) Dionaea Muscipula - Fuzzy Tooth (Extreme version than Fused tooth) - It doesn't have fuzzy tooth yet. Will wait for future update.
(NEW) Dionaea Muscipula - Roaring Flame ('Dentate Traps' x "Bristle Tooth") - Interesting tooth additional VFT to my collection.
Dionaea Muscipula - Typical - My test subject for the grow light. We shall give it a few more months to see whether it will get better or not.
Dionaea Muscipula - B52 - Legend says it is ONE of the BIGGEST TRAPS VFT form ever and what made me so angry is...
The seller sold me this SMALL B52 for $50! I was stunned when I travelled all the way to meet him to get the plants. I felt that, if since he wanted to be dishonest/taking advantage of people. FINE! I will take it and embrace it. No more business with him anymore. Okay! Complained to D and time to admire our SG VFT survivor clones.
Dionaea Muscipula - Cupped Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap
Dionaea Muscipula - Burbank Best
Dionaea Muscipula - Red Piranha
Dionaea Muscipula - Big Mouth
Dionaea Muscipula - Fine Tooth x Red
Today I decided to combine them into a container.
Hmmm I have two big containers... Hmmm... okay! I shall start with a smaller one.
ROJAK (Mixed) SG VFT Survivor clones family!
Something which made my day. :)


Here is my 3rd update post.


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