Monday, April 30, 2018

Blog - April Overview

Hi Blog,

After I tried to make the March Overview as the last post to sum up my March blog activities, I felt it defeat the purpose for Overview post. So it will return to its original purpose for my blog.

1st Apr 2018 -
SG VFT Survivor #2
6th Apr 2018 -
Squeeze Some Time Out
6th Apr 2018 -
Durian Craze
7th Apr 2018 -
Short Trip To Ipoh
7th Apr 2018 -
Kbox Karaoke
7th Apr 2018 -
Hollywood Hotel
9th Apr 2018 -
Jogging with CC
14th Apr 2018 -
Ubin Exploration Again
15th Apr 2018 -
Well Spent Sunday
22nd Apr 2018 -
Sorting Out Myself
26th Apr 2018 -
Suit Theme #2
27th Apr 2018 -
Just Find Out
28th Apr 2018 -
Jogging at Punggol Park
29th Apr 2018 -
Badminton Session
30th Apr 2018 -
My Daily Lunch
Random Apr Posts -
Check it out!

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