Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trip - Visit Pulau Ubin again

Hi Blog,

XY and I decided to spend our Saturday to visit Pulau Ubin together with our own purpose - XY wanted to practice and utilised his drone and I wanted to utilise his drone to capture some shot of the quarries.

EK decided to join us as he wanted to workout.
You may check out my other Ubin posts too - My first Ubin Exploration (here), Revisiting (here) and visit all quarries in Ubin (here).

When we reached here, it was almost noon time... due to some delay here and there. I guessed next time, I will make sure we are ready in the morning. Oh yeah! This shoot forbidden so try to take picture in the Changi Jetty custom.
Usually during the weekend, the visitors to Ubin will be frequent than noon time. They will only start their boat if it is fully filled; so avoid late noon as no one will visit the island after 12pm.
Thank you Uncle for riding us safely.
Leaving SG
Riding with other passengers and pardon me for a pic with a plain, tasteless face.
Let's go, guys!
Peaceful Island
I didn't know there is a taxi service on this island - I doubt they will get many business.
It seemed like a great weather today.
I decided to use my broken camera (image link) to take pictures of the quarries, pardon me for having a 'spirit' at the side of the image.

Pekan Quarry
Pardon of me spoiling the scenery
The cracked lens actually added different aesthetic effect.
sometimes it will get into the way but blocking my face is still alright.
XY was busy setting up his drone.
(XY's drone) First Quarry done!

Click the YouTube video to view the drone video

Wei Tua Fa Gong Temple

After we cycled to the 2nd quarry, I told them to visit a temple after Jelutong bridge - Wei Tua fa Gong Temple, because of paying respect and sight seeing. Let's check it out!

There is a direction sign :)
As we approached the temple, we were greeted by the colourful flags hanging above, dancing with the wind; peaceful place to hang around.
You won't see such sight in Singapore.
There is a bridge across the pond to another shelter temple.
When you visited a temple, you will expect tortoise pond to provide them a home.
Many flags look wash-off, I can imagine those days when it was freshly put up, what a sight.
A flag with spell of scripture.
Overview of one of the temple (my pardon, my bros weren't keen like me visiting every inch so I only took one temple)
Statues of Deities who guard four directions sea
Ketam Quarry
One of the easy quarry to find
Waiting for drone to see the view behind me
ugly me with nature
It seemed like this was the last face of a beautiful sky - it's about to rain sooner.
(XY's drone) I noticed there is a hut somewhere inside at Ketam Quarry (check the left side of the picture)
(XY's drone) Wide viewing platform of Ketam Quarry

Click the YouTube video to view the drone video

Due to stormy clouds spotted, we reduced our stay at quarry and hurry our way.

EK can't stand the hot weather, he just went under XY's drone and enjoyed the circular wind under the drone.
We spotted an unique web structure.
Kekek Quarry

On our way to Kekek Quarry
Manage to find a good spot to take picture
Weird... How come this Kekek Quarry is so different from what I had visited before... (jumplink to the past post)
The broken lens made it like raining effect.
(XY's drone) Taken from the middle of the quarry of Kekek Quarry :D
(XY's drone) Weird... I don't remember Kekek Quarry looked like that.

Click the YouTube video to view the drone video

Thanks, Heaven that the rain stopped. Perfect timing to visit Pulau Ubin's most beautiful quarry.

Ubin Quarry
Feeling happy every time we visit here.
EK's first time getting near to the edge.
Thanks EK for helping me
What else you want to ask for? Beautiful weather and place. Perfect!
No body around me, I felt safe here.

(XY's drone) Trying to be hero shot, but failed. hahaha!
(XY's drone) Nice Epic shot from drone :)

Click the YouTube video to view the drone video

Okay... Rain really started taking over the island. We can't complete the last quarry properly as drone is not suitable to fly in the storm.

Balai Quarry
(XY's drone) Due to rain, we had to stop our drone activity and back to habour. Sigh... Why rain...

Click the YouTube video to view the drone video

Along our way back to the Ubin Jetty, someone called my name.

My ex-students were there and we had a good picture together. :)
Hi Storm
Feeling disappointed that we can't complete the last quarry properly due to the rain. I will come back again.


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