Thursday, May 25, 2017

Trip - China - Day 6 - Climbing Up to Mountain Tai 泰山

Good morning Blog,

Despite of my mother's disapproval for letting me climb up Mountain Tai 泰山 (read more and reviews) alone, as she was worrying of me; but I am no kid anymore, even though I am still a kid in her mind, but I still have big goal in life... anyway CC still sent me to one of the car park near the entrance of Mountain Tai.

AT the foot of Mountain Tai, there were shop-houses trying sell torch lights and walking sticks.
My first step at Mountain Tai
Here was the entrance of Mountain Tai
Proceed to the ticket corner
As I climbed in, I noticed the path was dark and thankfully there were visitors stone the light on my path.
Sweaty climb and I made roughly 40% I think as my legs started to feel tired but still can continue
I managed to see Tai An from here and it was totally dark here, where I can see the stars clearly.
During the journey... it made me recall the trip I had at Mountain Kinabalu (my previous post in 2012)... at the beginning journey, I was okay but my legs started to weigh like a ton.

I made it like 60%, feeling like dying.... hahaha and have to wear a hoodie for this level. It got windy and cold
I learned something important while climbing, you are on your own to complete this conquest yourself, no one can help you beside encouraging you as everyone is going towards the same goal. The challenge might wear us off but it will only make you stronger in the faith.

Every single peak stop was to assure me that I was about to reach my goal. At times, I will take some time to sit by the stairs or lie down somewhere to take a break. Just like how I lead my life.

Finally I made it 90% of the hill and noticed many stores trying to rent out the coats
Or have a warm noodle... too bad no Vegetarian.
Ah! Golden Beetle spotted here.
It was different from the golden beetle from Singapore, because it has fur under it's legs to keep itself warm.
I was surprised to see insects at the peak of cold weather
Finally I reached the Nan Tian Men 南天門, the peak of the mountain, many sellers kept on promoting of renting their jacket but I hesitated, and continued on to climb deeper.

Nan Tian Men 南天門
I felt so happy that I reached Heaven Street 天街 finally
so proud of myself.
As I climbed higher, the weather got colder and I had to wear two jackets (+35 Def, +30 HP)
What a sight!
Heaven Street was beauty and tranquil, but IT WAS WINDY and COLD!
Here was where I will find the summit, dragging myself there.
I started climbing around 9+pm, after purchased of ticket 10pm, then when I reached the peak which was around 12:30am, continued my journey to the place where they claimed where we can view sun rise, it was 1:45am... I took out my phone to check the app "planets", said I will see the astronomical sun rise, is 3:30am... so.... I will have to find a place to rest my feet... but it was TOO COLD and WINDY! My body was losing heat and my bones started to feel pain!

I tried to sleep beside a large rock which helped to block some of the wind, but it was too cold
I felt like an abandoned dog in the cold (constantly -20 HP per min)... as I saw some of the visitors wearing the big coat and I can't hesitate no more.

I can remember there was a coat-rental guy stationed nearby.

With the coat, I felt like a new update with new equipment (+10 Att, +80 Def, +120 HP, -20 Agile and extra condition: won't reduce HP during cold) so I went on to the sun-rising platform to secure a good spot.
I planned to take time lapse of sun rise and all set! But but wait! The visitors started to show up and blocked my phone... suck thumb.... I swear if I am going there again, I will bring a tripod and take a time lapse.

Here were some of the sun rising pictures I managed to capture. :) YOLO!

Visitors started to flood in like a concert is going to start, as they were trying to find some good spots.
Everyone was spamming pictures with their phones and cameras.
Check out this girl beside me, I let her shared my good spot and had a decent chat to know one another. All the best to you :)
The sun was about to rise in anytime.
Waiting and any min now
HERE IT CUM! (sorry dirty pun here, my bad)
You were the reason of what I am here.
Just within a few mins, the sun moved fast.
Small but it was magnificent
Having a hard time to stay focus with iphone and the sun
Continued with the spamming
This moment everyone was focused on one direction and one heart; how nice to witness such scene.
Thank you Heaven. I was happy of it.
the sky was getting brighter now
Oh yeah take a good look at this protruding rock formation
it was natural; Heaven's artwork
One of my happy pictures for this trip, but too bad I can't get all the colour sitting in properly
Heart the Sun
looking back at the spot where protected me for hours from freezing, thank you.
a better view of my extra 'armor'

After spamming pictures of sun rise, everyone started to exit the platform and I was trying to find that guy again, but he wasn't there. So I went to Nan Tian Men 南天門 to find the coat-rental company but I can't find any, so I decided to try my luck along the stairs.... and I regretted later.

Everyone was leaving now
What a breathe-taking sight up here 
A nice view of brighter scene of Tai An
I took a night time of it, which you can scroll back to compare or click here directly, both were amazing.
a picture of me at Nan Tian Men
When you see this, you knew you have made it.
As I looked down... I nearly fainted.. stairs....
I was going to vomit.
My legs felt sore...
Have to do it...
Beautiful landscaping
a support at the side was a MUST for climbing down
Where was that guy? I needed to return the coat...
let's continue
There were visitors who have not returned the coats too, maybe there will be a return store below
Some people climbing up and some down; long way to go....
Have to carry this heavy coat... The weather condition wasn't cooling anymore.
Looking back at a distance, I had gone through a great challenge....
After 3+ hours of climbing down the stairs, let me tell you something, in Chinese quote "上山容易下山難" (climbing up mountain easy but not down) and that was true, plus have to carry the coat with me (I hoped there is someone collect this from me)... as it was getting warmer, windless... seriously tiring; but along the way, I spotted some climbers carrying heavy stuff up mountain, have to respect them.

While I was trying to get down the stairs, many visitors were surprised why am I still bringing the coat and asked me whether is the sun rise satisfying? How long I took to go up? So they can estimate their distance.

After four hours of getting down... I still can't find the return store...
Finally! I exited the place, my feet were about to kill me... I still can't find the store to return the coat and as I always say "hope for best and prepare for the worst" (hoping someone will collect this back and I get my deposit, or I am ready to bring it back home or sell it on carousell)

My mother, ZQ and CC were waiting for me as they wanted to go up to the mountain by cable car. Oh well... that's meant I have to go up for the second round... first, I can take this chance to go back to return the coat. Secondly, We can travel by cable car! okay... let's go!

We will purchase entrance tickets and coach ticket at the foot of Mountain Tai but at different location (refer to the picture
Received two postcard-tickets of Mountain Tai
Decent bus ride
In order to travel up to the peak Nan Tian Men 南天門, we will have stop at Zhong Tian Men 中天門 which is the middle of the mountain and we can try cable car... it is costly... really need to prepare enough cash exchange while traveling :(
Around 10-15 mins of bus ride to Zhong Tian Men 中天門 which I took like two hours to reach
I felt a bit of resistance to climb this stairs again...
Well at least I can return this green "animal"
I sensed the money just blew away by the scenery
Come on Mother, Smile!
What a Mountain
We had a stable ride up to the pe
There is where I had my sun rising in the morning
beautiful layer mountains
Sunny Morning!
Night time and day time at the peak, was a completely different feel - you can awe by the view of magnificent mountain ranges and city, but to think of carrying that heavy coat with me and my tiring legs... I can't go hyper with that. So I went around and showed my receipt to the people, they pointed to me its location.... it was right deep in...

Finally FOUND IT!
I can't believe this place was so remotely located but I was glad it was returned properly.
After returning the coat and got my deposit... I felt much lighter and still tired... but we can still have wefie :)

The visitors were amazed by the camera that I have
Look behind us the Heaven Street gate, was Heaven.
I tried to do a floating shot but I can't... My legs were jelly...
Let's go back now
Wonderful Wefie
come on mother
Let's take picture together
It was near lunch time, CC brought us to a vegetarian restaurant (click here to read about it) that she found online, to reward me :)

After lunching, we went for a short shopping trip and prepared for the next day. Click here for day 7.

My tired body just zzzz for the rest of the whole day and night

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