Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Blog - April Overview

Hi Blog,

Google+ was gone for good. I hope Blogger will stay and come out something new to enhance the blogging experience. So far, hope you enjoy reading my humble blog and this overview section is useful for readers.

4th Apr 2019 -
Trisuit Theme #17
6th Apr 2019 -
8th Apr 2019 -
Soul Stone - Yooperlite
10th Apr 2019 -
Mind Stone - Wernerlite
13th Apr 2019 -
Upper Seletar Visit
14th Apr 2019 -
UV Torch Test
19th Apr 2019 -
Induction Hiking
21st Apr 2019 -
Kranji Countryside
23rd Apr 2019 -
Last Update for SGVFT
27th Apr 2019 -
Six Consecutive White
27th Apr 2019 -
My Superhero suits
29th Apr 2019 -
Space Stone - Gypsum
30th Apr 2019 -
Hougang Swimming Pool
April Random
Check it out!

Personal - April Randomness

Hi Blog,

I can't believe we have already passed three months of 2019; time flies so fast and people come and go... Writing blog has become my habit or I should say a personal space where I can be me. I can't expect others to know who I am, they can think/judge whatever they want, I can't be bothered now... At least I have a space which embraces me.

Here is my April Random post - short and random.

Swimming - Hougang Swimming Complex

Hi Blog,

I have an idea to pay a visit to all Singapore public swimming pools/complexes. So far, from the gathered list, I have covered 75% of the pool except for some pools which I have not made a post of it at all. I will do so sooner.

Today I will visit the Hougang Swimming Complex.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Personal - Space Stone - Gypsum

Hi Blog,

Previously, I had collected my Soul Stone and Mind Stone. What is next? I scanned through the internet and trying to confirm which mineral will emit certain coloured fluorescence. And I don't know where I can source out for others in my own hands... Can you imagine a random guy holding a UV torch shining on their crystals in their store?

Believe me, my anxiety will kick my out of the store asap. So... I can only do it online and rely on whatever internet can give, which makes my hunting more difficult. Let's me explain why. Meanwhile I got myself a UV filter which will help to reduce the purple hue greatly.

This is ZWB2 filter.
What is so magical about it? Let's find out and finally found my Space Stone!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Swimming - Six Consecutive White Days

Hi Blog,

This week, I have some duty to do at some place after work, so I have a lot of pocket time to spare. I set an aim to view the swimming pool and train to swim 20 lapses.

Time to undress for my swimming session
But... I received some concerns about why I wear white trunk to swim as it is not a preferred colour for a straight and untoned guy like me. I will only draw more misunderstanding.

I just need a space to rant... Someone who hear me out...

Product - My Superhero Suits

Hi Blog,

This Saturday Morning I suppose to spend some time with my waifu but it rains. I decide to test out my Superhero suits which I bought long time ago but don't have a chance to try it out.

Check out this comic-style spiderman suit. Isn't it beautiful?
Getting this one is because it costs less than $40. :D from wish app. Unlike my Tron (link and link) will cost more. Honestly, I will like to get a PS4 Insomniac Spiderman suit (like this) because of it's white line.

Anyway let's dress up and see how it looks.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - Last Update

Hi Blog,

If you had followed up my SG VFT survivor Clones from Update #1 until now... I had a Great time growing them which gave me joy and hope, but things started to make a turn (which you can read up on Update #5) then it just got worse and worse...

Today... I checked on their condition... I just felt so defeated and broken...

This is the statue of the my VFT... It just...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Trip - Kranji Countryside

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... ZN and I had discussed this for a long time since I mentioned that I want to get some mushroom kit at Kranji Farm which I don't know its actual location.

So we leave house like 7am and travel all the way to Kranji MRT station to get the first express bus.
You can read up more in KranjiCountryside.com. So let me show you around in Kranji.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Hiking - Induction Hiking for my Trisuit

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Good Friday, a day to remind ourselves what had Jesus sacrificed himself to remind ourselves that we have sins by carrying our own crosses (SINS) and repent and turn a new leaf (a better self) than having Jesus Christ to 'die for us again'.

Anyway, I doubt anyone will understand. Since it is a holiday, I will spend some time to go on a hiking trip and an induction program for my spare white Trisuit.

630am it is just like a normal day for me and perfect weather to hike.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Hiking - UV Torchlight Test

Hi Blog,

Recently, I have been hunting for Infinity Stones (fluorescent minerals) online (and you can read more here) and as I recall I have an LED UV Torchlight which can light up the fluorescent property in the minerals. (click here to read more) But because my LED UV torch is too strong in a purple hue and I don't know its wavelength; based online, they claimed mine is a Long Wavelength UV torch.

But a Short Wavelength UV will be best for fluorescent minerals but it costs a bomb...

I got this from Shopee for $4. USB UV light torch. Sounds like a good deal.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Hiking - Upper Seletar Reservoir Visit

Good Morning Blog,

This week I do not have a good chance to work out and want to bring my waifu out during this weekend, but... I think again. I promised to bring Iv to the quiet place, but he already had planned to go on a cruise with his family.

I guess I am used to different timeline situations. I shall not be affected and learned to move on.
I tried to wake up earlier because I will be covering two locations - One is Upper Peirce and another Upper Seletar.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Personal - Mind Stone - Wernerite

Hi Blog,

One down Five more to go. According to my previous post (link - Soul Stone), I had gathered other fluorescence minerals to complete my infinity stones collection. So I went to eBay and found many fluorescence minerals and one which stood out the rest, is Wernerite - which has this strong yellow glow! Today, my Mind stone has arrived!

I am surprised to receive this Mind Stone before the rest as it was my last delay order. I also appreciate that the seller wrote a personal note and a card with information about this mineral. A* seller!
There are many other fluorescence minerals which also glow certain ideal desire colour but some are either too expensive, not in the sale list, too big, only a small portion on the whole, or does glow differently under different wavelength.

Anyway, here is my Mind Stone - Wernerlite.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Personal - Soul Stone - Yooperlite

Hi Blog,

There is something interesting which I will like to share with you. Let's check the video below.

OH MY! A glowing stone! I found such video on random IG feed and it excited me, which I began my research!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Personal - Hesitation

Hi Blog,

Nice sunset today
It will be short and usual post, nothing special. Weekend is coming! Finally I can go for a short, lazy and inefficient workout (unlike others will go to gym, long hours and intensive workout etc) as for me, as long as I sweat and won't cost me a single coin, is an achievement unless someone pays for me XD

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Personal - Suits to the Theme #17

Hi Blog,

Yippee! Finally got to complete a set theme again! It took me a while until I realised that... It was similar to Theme #4 (link) So sorry to repeat the theme. I will look for other theme.