Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Plants - SG VFT Survivor Clones - Last Update

Hi Blog,

If you had followed up my SG VFT survivor Clones from Update #1 until now... I had a Great time growing them which gave me joy and hope, but things started to make a turn (which you can read up on Update #5) then it just got worse and worse...

Today... I checked on their condition... I just felt so defeated and broken...

This is the statue of the my VFT... It just...
Honestly I looked back... I feel super lousy and shxtty....

D introduced and guaranteed his LED growlight to me..

On 8th Jan 2018 Startkick VFT post, I was excited that I had hoped and faith in D and D's SGVFT
My humble setup for my VFT which costed a bomb and I had to live through my mean...
Dionaea Muscipula - Wacky Trap
On 10th Jan 2018, Introducing SG VFT Clones from D, One of my favourite cultivar which I dreamed to have! It was so beautiful!
I decided to use Wacky Trap as an example. From Update #1 post. 2nd Feb (L) and 16th Feb (R) -  It grew so well and beautiful. Even the sphagnum moss grew lively.
But things turned bad... On 3rd Mar (L) and 18th Mar (R) - Based on D, it did not have enough light... I thought the D's growlight LED was strong enough? How come it took like three months to tell me that I did it wrongly?
So I tried to put a few jars to level up the height to receive more light.
In my Update#2, I got some more new VFT and a fan for better air-flow.
On Update#3, 10th Apr (L) and 13th May (R) - Wacky still grew strong and I felt so happy to see it grow happily. My confident of growing SG VFT was growing strong and felt my money worth.
Just look at how Happy SGVFTs were!
Things started to make bad on 26th June 2018...

On Update#4, They started to turn 'sour'... a lot of black leaves. D told me to trim them often. Honestly... Not that I didn't trim in the past few months but this time, they turned black together too fast at an uncomfortable rate.
D claimed that my moss was moldy (algae build-up) which was not unhealthy for VFT growth.

So I repot a new sphagnum moss.
DONE! Praying Hard.
D claimed there are some algae growing in the moss, so what can I do?

On 8th Jul 2018, Update#5, I squeezed out some money to buy this sphagnum moss.
Separated them again but they got worse... Check Update#6... I felt so depressed when others have such successful growing experience and posted proudly on FB group. What am I doing?
On 14th Aug 2018, Update#7, since algae buildup was my problem, I decided to grow them into live sphagnum moss and it seemed coping well.
But Wacky Trap was still struggling... I propagated some of them into live sphagnum moss and...
They grow happily in Live Moss! :D
On Nov 2018, In Update#9, Wacky trap was still coping slowly. I believe it will be better if it grows in the live moss too.
Five months now... It gave up on me... The core of Wacky Trap and other VFTs rot.... Too much water???!!!
Too dry?!
I thought they don't mind wet media? I don't even water EVERYDAY! Once in every two days!
But still... It was gone!
I feel so down and upset... with who? With myself! I don't know how to feel anymore. Really... I am sick and tired. Whenever some PRO told me - my place is too dry, too wet, too hot, too unstable. Will that even help when you don't have the capacity and wealth to try out anything else... Buy this buy that... Really... I am tired...

Actually what made my blood boil, is because D promised any death of his SG VFT, he will replace it. With all the deaths going on with my vfts, I am highly doubt he will give me those precious vft for free. So final word is, it is all about money. Initially, why I got convinced to get SGVFT because he was confident over his SGVFT and ensured failure until we can get it right. I guess words are just meaningless.

To be honest... I can't deny D's passion towards carnivorous plant and trying his best to ensure the carnivorous plant survival in sg especially VFT. I revised my frustration I had, is that I don't have his talents and support to do whatever he had done. The achievements he has now, is remarkable which undeniable and respectable. I wished I can surround myself in a VFT garden which I can share the joy and knowledge with other people. I was touched when he told me his purpose is to make sure every Singaporean can enjoy growing vft locally which is a great vision I will like to support. On another hand, marketed it at highest price tag, self contained circle, thinking he is above all, businessman mindset, behave like a xxxt leader, equipped with supporters, media, whatever; turn him into nowadays monster who spreads fake info and uncontrollably unhealthy force in cp sg. So... Respectable but yet worrying the amount of hates build which will bite him back in future.

Anyway, this will be my last update of VFT. I decided to share this report to D and retract myself from the circle because I just don't want to do anything with him. Since 2000, I grew my interests in VFT, purchased and grew my knowledge on VFT, but they were always like a roller coaster... How much money do I have to burn to grow it well? I really don't know...

I think the best way to keep VFT is to save the VFT pictures and admire them on my phone/computer, thinking that they are mine. Good Bye SGVFT, we had a great time...


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