Saturday, April 27, 2019

Product - My Superhero Suits

Hi Blog,

This Saturday Morning I suppose to spend some time with my waifu but it rains. I decide to test out my Superhero suits which I bought long time ago but don't have a chance to try it out.

Check out this comic-style spiderman suit. Isn't it beautiful?
Getting this one is because it costs less than $40. :D from wish app. Unlike my Tron (link and link) will cost more. Honestly, I will like to get a PS4 Insomniac Spiderman suit (like this) because of it's white line.

Anyway let's dress up and see how it looks.

How do I look? Hmm.. I wish I can take with a better background... Sorry for the messiness.
Short and untoned physique type of spider-boy
So embarrassed to post as... I have no idea what to pose. Perhaps wearing a mask will help.
Hmmm... Nope. Fail to the max.
The mask doesn't suit this... pulling a long face...
Since I can't see myself well in it...
Just show my ugly CMI face will do.
Okay... It is warm and wet in the morning, drink some water. Lucky no one at home to laugh at my attire.
Time to climb back to my room.
Steal the Infinity Gauntlet and feeling powerful and bold! (Don't judge me! LOL)
With the gauntlet, what should I do... Hmm... I used my gauntlet power to stop time a while so that...
I can step out from my house without anyone...
watching me.
I got a bit paranoid whenever there is noise from anywhere
How I wish I can go elsewhere and take picture than here... My power isn't strong enough, just feeling tied down to this realm. Sigh...
Besides my new spidey suit, I also got Quantum Suit to celebrate Marvel Avengers End Game! Love the white and red design. It looks so... Professional.

It costs cheaper than Spidery and comes in time for the End Game!
How I wish I really have six packs though
Let's wear the gauntlet and make a wish
I wish....
I can't wish the extreme... I will have to sacrifice many things... I just wish I don't get too fat will do.
Let's bring my suit out the world.
Seems safe
Yup but... Can't travel far...
The power has weaken...
Time to use the gauntlet again to stop time
I have to think of a place to wear these suits at a different location where is zero judgmental crowd. I wish... I'll... one day...
Since I had tried the two superhero suits, why not I wear my Tron suit too?

Feeling so good wearing a suit. Feeling so different. I always wish that I can be a superhero since I was young. Now at least, I have one superhero suit in my wardrobe and it is my secret identity.
I make a wish, I will own one Tron Disc and it appears!
If I have time, I will put in batteries to light up my disc.
And photoshop my suit to light up next time.
For now, I will wear my gauntlet to maintain the time realm before anyone sees me.
So that I can take pictures at ease. Am I right?
Alright, the gauntlet has drained me too much power, I have to stop and dry-hang my suits before anyone comes back home.

Sometimes, when I look back those pictures... sadly I don't have the physique and look to compliment such awesome suits. But... I believe the suits love and embrace whatever I am; It hugs and makes me change avatars. I just have to enjoy whatever I can.



  1. Looks like you have a fancy for all these suits. It reminds me of the cosplay competitions that I had seen.Your interest and hobby seems to be unique and you must have spent a substantial sum. Maybe you can participate in Cosplay Competition to showcase your costumes.

    1. Hahaha No Uncle Jimmy. I didn't spend a lot on those suits beside the Tron which is my favour. I want to cosplay but I realise I can't...


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